
I’ve been telling every Trump voter in my life that any time a right is taken away from me, my quality of life drop, my insurance goes up, they will know about it.

You know what pisses me off? I know a LOT of people who are fucking rich white Southerners who haven’t felt SHIT for pain from the recession. Their kids aren’t on meth. They haven’t lost their jobs. They’re just assholes who want smaller government because that means they’ll pay less taxes. Those people tipped

But... but economics! Rust Belt! We don’t understand Middle America, and need to relate to their pain and feel sympathy regardless of how much pain they happily inflict on anyone else! Oh and not hurt their feelings by pointing that out!


his dangerous “gender identity” directives

  • We will work with President Trump to reverse policies of the Obama administration that seek to coerce other countries into accepting same-sex ‘marriage’ as a condition of receiving US assistance and aid. It is fundamentally wrong for a president to become a lobbyist for the LGBT agenda, and we are confident that will

Same as we got, except ours is in sand mining. We got a whole bunch of sand mines coming in wanting to dig up the beautiful Wisconsin countryside and promising jobs. Except that when they opened, the jobs that they needed were engineers, railroad maintenance, laboratory technicians, heavy machinery operators. The jobs

Yes your benefits and food stamps will get cut some more like what Scott Fucking Walker did. 

I am from Mississippi, and due to the oil industry tanking, a whole bunch of red necks with high school diplomas went from making all kinds of money and living king of the trailer park to being as dirt poor the rest of the white trash. That’s trump’s base. White, pissed off early 30/late 20 something men and their

I know FDR won a bunch. But I just never really got why that was an issue. I mean eventually they will stop running, die, or lose.

I said below that this is good news because it will never get 2/3 of each house and will piss off all the Republicans, but it occurs to me now that if it does somehow pass - term limits for Congress are a popular proposal - it’s a little scary. Reducing the legislature’s power relative to the executive is kind of a

Seriously I want to slap those rural white voters and yell at them that no, just because Trump is president doesn’t mean an unskilled high school dropout will magically get a $25 per hour factory job in the middle of cow pastures and soybean fields. Yes your benefits and food stamps will get cut some more like what

Oh, they’ll realize it when they’re dying of untreated kidney failure or something. Really, though, it shouldn’t take that much.

Unfortunately, a lot of us are going to suffer right alongside them.

I work with people who talk about term limits like they’d be a good thing. And my response is always “if no one doing the job has been there for more than 4 years, no one is going to know what they’re doing. Instead of 30 year congressmen, you’ll have a majority leader’s chief of staff or a party boss who hangs

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.

Shock is a luxury. No time for luxury anymore. Time to organize, protest, volunteer.

His minions craved a strong dose of keeping it real followed by a chaser of telling it like it is- they didn’t realize the side effects included insanity, evil, loss of their fellow humans’ respect and death.

This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy. We need to stamp it out before it gets too powerful.

I keep thinking I’m going to wake up.

The most awesome thing about this is how much damage it will do to the people who actually voted for this person.