
I am absolutely stunned that a Bethesda game is buggy.

Using gay slurs, saying mean things about classmates and inappropriate things about girls? Technology may have changed the platform but it’s safe to say that this generation didn’t invent any of that.

Are kids getting shittier as human beings, or does advancing technology offer more options for them to be shitty, or are we simply more aware of their shittiness due to said tecnology? All three?

i was so nervous through everything, but then the debates and the access hollywood tapes put me in a “LETS GET A LANDSLIDE!!11!” place...now I’m a fucking mess. Its so hard to be so invested in an outcome that you really can’t control. All I can do is vote and bring others to vote, but I can’t control how the story is

“I voted for Clinton but regret it because someone who works for her used to be married to someone who texted a picture of his junk to my teenaged daughter and she maybe checked her email once on her husband’s computer. Hillary didn’t know anything about any of this until last week, and she has never mentioned my

He’s probably one of the people who thinks this automatically means that Clinton was hiding something because the investigation is being “reopened,” even though it is entirely possible (probable) Clinton did not have anything to do with how the emails got on that computer, it is entirely possible the emails are

This is legitimately the first time I’ve been afraid during this entire thunderfuck of an election season. I’ve been so confident in the American people and the electoral process that I truly was not afraid of Trump possibly winning. Now Anthony Weiner’s dick and an asshole with a vendetta might be the reason a cheeto

Can we have F1 like that again? Without all the fiery death, of course.

It doesn’t matter if you duck to the inside under braking, or lock ‘em up and slide across the apex, a pass is a pass.

This entire election has been so full of gaslighting it’s disgusting.

The veil has been ripped off of the Republicans. I mean when the former Grand Dragon of the KKK is inspired by Trump you know all hell is breaking loose.

Just more evidence that even when Trump loses, things are not just going to get better. They will in fact get a whole hell of a lot worst first.

I also don’t believe for a second that “this isn’t because she’s a woman.” I sincerely doubt he’d call Obama a bad parent.

I mean, call us back when you actually have kids and are forced to make these decisions in real life instead of judging millions of parents from your comfy spot on the sidelines.

Realistically, in a society where a single income is too little to support a family, is there anyone who “can have” kids by your standards?

Amen! My gf and I had a village by our side for our first few years of parenthood, which was completely essential given that we had twins and had them young, no less. There would be nights when we just needed a relative to watch them for us so we could do our own thing (read: spend a few hours trying to regain weeks

Also, the person she “left” her child with was that child’s other parent. If it was a succession of hired nannies I might be willing to entertain some speculation (although being raised primarily by paid help has worked well enough for enough people for long enough that I’m not even really ready to raise an eyebrow)

Try explaining an 8 year gap on your resume caused by raising the child you birthed out the vagine. I’m convinced that I’d have an easier time finding work as a paroled felon. Advanced degrees and an awesome resume? Too bad you shat out a bebe, honey. You’ll never work in this town again!

And this right here is what pisses me the fuck off about our parenting culture in America. Parents (well, mostly mothers) are expected to be able to fill every single need for their children single-handedly. A parent is expected to be a caretaker, teacher, cook, laundress, cleaner, food source, and crafter-in-chief.

The NY Post is a vile, disgusting rag of a newspaper. All of their columnists can go eat a bag of dicks. Here, I’ll get them started.