I’m not sure what’s wrong with that being brought up? I loved that line. Sheehy is celebrating the fact that young women are leading many movements now. The fact that it was so short a time ago we were deliberately relegated to the women’s auxillery might actually encourage more young women into leadership roles.
I voted for Jill Stein in 2012 (absentee, in a safe non-swing state that would unquestionably go Obama), and I’m now super embarrassed by this.
I know, but if you’re clever with it, you can convince people of a concept that they would absolutely not agree to otherwise.
An added hypocrisy of this new law, of course, is that the two blowhards that introduced it, Phillips and Estes, and the Lt. Governor Patrick, who championed it in the House, all attended PRIVATE universities who have the choice to opt out. [They all did, btw].
It’s a ploy by state conservatives to take a break from…
I’ve started just going “I TOTALLY agree” and then stating the opposite opinion. It’s hilarious. People are like “I don’t think you understood me...” and then you can be like “Oh my goodness, you’re so right” and restate your opposite opinion. People have no idea what to do.
THIIIIIIIIS. My own dad who can talk at length about string theory and does mathematical problems on napkins when he’s bored still says Obama is a Muslim. When pressed he walks back on it, but oh my god. Really? THAT JUST ISNT TRUE! How do you have a rational conversation with someone who rejects reality?
the campus didn’t want it, in fact, most public and even private universities didn’t want it. the Texas state legislature rammed this on all Texas public colleges and universities.
As an alum, I want to be clear. The campus isn’t allowing anything. The state lege is and the campus has fought it all along but as a state school, has run out of options to prevent it. Profs have resigned over it.
Yeah this is possible only if the politics involved don’t include outright hatred for a group you’re a part of. Oh you think all fags should be burned alive? I respectfully disagree. I mean, there’s really no respect on either ends at that point.
As someone who can still remember Walter Cronkite and how family political debates went a generation or two ago, I think a lot of what has changed is that we used to argue about political viewpoints; now we often argue about political “facts.”
This is a serious problem for me. I live in a red part of a purple state and I haven’t been able to make any close friends since college because I always end up finding out the nice couple we met are actually raging racist conservatives who bitch about welfare queens and immigrants. I really feel like I need to move…
“People start seeing themselves or their political views as the main representation of their values, and what is right and wrong,”
Chant loser, loser, loser back at him. Then in November ask him how it feels to have picked the losing side.
A certain in-law’s response to anyone questioning his presidential choice is interrupting them and chanting “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” loudly and at length.
there is a word. “Texas.”
The fact this campus is willingly allowing guns despite the 8/1/66 massacre is such a level of tone deafness that I don’t think a word has been invented for it.
It’s also not that unusual to make a change politically in your 20's.
I like this Jessica Jin. She’s a good egg.
It was by extreme accident that she swerved 180 degrees in her early twenties to become a Democratic activist