Hey - not being thick at all and I’m happy to share information with you.
He did say something to “the blacks”, remember? Basically it was, “Look, you’re all a bunch of poor, uneducated, miserable drug addicted people dodging bullets in your war zone neighborhoods everyday. What have you got to lose joining me?"
Yeah, it’s a little late to blow the dog whistle after you’ve already shot the dog, violated its corpse and then raised it up in the air for everyone to see.
But, but ... it is all Obama’s fault, every bit of it. He has been secretly orchestrating every bad thing since 1972. True story. Watergate, all him. Hanoi Jane, him. New Coke, Obama. All the 80s fashions, him. He killed Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse. He has just orchestrated Connie Britton leaving Nashville, AND…
I was thrilled when I read the following in the Time Magazine article about Trump’s meltdown*:
Listening to Katrina Pierson speak is like nails on a chalkboard, she’s an absolute moron. Her sole stance in any argument is to divert the conversation away from a question she doesn’t know the answer to (which is all of them) and repeatedly utter “That’s Obama’s fault.”
You never actually hear her defend his policies because each time Maddow got down to specifics, she started talking about Hillary Clinton. It is, of course, because Trump’s policy flips are indefensible... and he keeps flipping on them, sometimes within the course of a single speech!
I have no sympathy for any of these people anymore. I was willing to give some benefit of the doubt for those who joined early, who needed a job and figured it would be a quick campaign and then figured he would pivot after the convention. At this point everyone knows what he is and who he is. Anyone who comes in at…
You missed the best thing this morning.
This doesn’t appear to be private property, though. It’s street parking.
Philadelphia’s collective attitude problem extends well beyond parking. Of the dozen times a year I’d find myself catching a connecting flight through Philadelphia in the early 2000's, about 50% of the time I’d have something stolen from a bag.
This. How does a sign in a Home Depot bucket behind a fence, which doesn’t appear to have a gate, have any legal basis?
How is that kind of sign even remotely a legal basis to tow someone from a street parking space? That’s clearly a private sign and shouldn’t have any bearing on public streets.
Go Fuck Yourself
i love him, but am highly disappointed he decided to be in this. guess he just DGAF.
Does this mean we won’t get a remake of The Ten Commandments starring Channing Tatum as Moses?