Honey, where'd I leave the burner key again?

I think his neighbor’s fists once got in the way of Paul being an asshole, but apparently that lesson didn’t stick.

Is Wickerman close enough?

MH: I need something totally unhinged”

That’s what the Bouchard family calls foreplay.

Maybe instead of jerks, we could call this group “COVID variant incubators”.

Thanks for posting this! You saved me a whitesplaining post on why I agree with our world-renowned wypipologist!

Maybe they think “Dickensian” means “benefitting those with dicks (especially rich white dicks)“

Most certainly! Also, the never-ending dancing up at the surface is sure to gently jostle the remains below to expose undecayed portions to the eager microbes and various carrion-eating fauna.

I’d still want updates that he is definitely still dead. Maybe reports about his latest state of decomposition.

Not so much in the news was the people from places like Malden not masking or isolating, getting COVID (shock!) and flooding the St. Louis ERs because their own hospitals were already full.

He’s just trying to get Dominion’s BFF Smartmatic USA to come home from the bars with him.

Gosh, I’m sure that individual business owners will be motivated by those tax cuts to provide paid sick leave, just like the business owners were motivated by Trump’s massive tax cuts to create jobs and expand payroll./s

I think its tied to the rampant anti-intellectualism accompanying our departing(!) presidential administration. There is a fairly significant proportion of the population that feel that wealth is the only meaningful figure of merit and any other comparison that degrades that conclusion is met with anger and insult.

DAYUM. I thought I smelled some bridges burning!

If it was snuff porn, maybe.

I prefer “Trump Dumpster”