Jimbo Scriefblatt

This is really interesting and answers a lot of questions I’ve had for some time now. Living in Boston, I smell pee everywhere. Or at least I used to. For a time it was a little off-putting but I got used to it and eventually stopped minding it. Nowadays I don’t even notice it and on more than one hot-summer occasion

God, I love this woman.

This isn’t about Conway.  This is about believing survivors.

This Mika woman is awful. Her dad is one of the biggest war-mongering neocons on earth and she uses her platform to push the same. And now she calls into question another woman’s experience with rape?

You know, I never did like the “hope” part of Hope & Change.  You don’t sit there and hope.  You don’t sit there and believe.  You get out there and change things.  That’s what we’re doing.

Ok, so it’s not free yet, but it will be.  Sounds like you have an Obamacare-lite type of system, which is good but only a starting point.  Had Bernie won Obamacare would have been turned into free healthcare rather than defanged.

Impossible.  Even Texas is going blue with Beto.  Florida and the Midwest have flipped and won’t be making the same mistake again.

It is free for those who need it to be free, or about 85% of the population.  The upper middle class will need their taxes increased and billionaires will need to make a one-time payment to the government.

What many don’t understand, but what the neocon left/right - better known as Centrists - especially don’t understand is that Trump isn’t the real danger. No, the real danger is the normalization of Trumpishness such that the next guy really is a Hitler.

Sometimes, when a comment is a little too long, I’ll just read the first and last sentences. If compelling, I’ll read the entire thing. If not, I’ll disregard entirely save for the one counterpoint that likely unravels everything I did not read. Such is the case here.

Scalia dying had nothing to do with why the GOP walled of Garland, first of all. Second...

Switzerland does in fact have free healthcare.

You made my morning and thus, my day.  Thank you. 

Tell that to Beto. Tell that to Gillum. Tell that to Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker.

Interesting. To me, “adulting” is two things:

We cannot let Bezos get away with this. $15 is a step in the correct direction but it is not enough.

Canada and Europe both have free healthcare.  

Maybe once you people start acknowledging well-known facts you can join us in moving forward. Right now we’re carrying you across the finish line and you won’t even thank us.


You just described why we need single-payer, free healthcare for all.  Thanks and glad to have you on board.