Just bunt

Earl Campbell is black.

Wokeness. Don’t buy into using this ‘term’; it’s dumbest thing .

Just petition the city to pass an ordinance that prevents long term storage of vehicles like this. Large rv’s, boats, trailers. Many cities have this in place and it’s at least a compromise. For example, he can park it there but not for more than X number of consecutive days. Otherwise, you’ll just have to move to

WASP neighbors? Why would you immediately jump to race and religion being part of the story? It’s strange that you think that way.

Smart money is you already are a dick neighbor.

You are a bad neighbor then.

Naw, the guy is a shitty neighbor. Fuck him.

Naw, but NBA, MLB, or NHL? Yeah, those are insufferably boring.

Beckham? No, please. Wynalda is The Godfather of US Soccer.

I disagree. Reality is most cops do this for all stops.

Your story is not typical. Your lucky, has nothing to do with race.

This has happened to me. I’m white.

Leave it to a white, straight, Catholic, male who works in border/law enforcement to be the one who is most tone deaf. Poster child of the Trump morons.

He’s a piece of shit.

They certainly had to do it before the match. No love lost between these two teams after they play.

No, I disagree. It isn’t helping anyone. But some people just feel some need to grieve I guess.

This is a ridiculous comment. Did you always take your ball and go home as a child when things didn’t go your way? You aren’t a real supporter of the USA in international competitions. That’s fine, you don’t have to be, this is America after all. Just don’t act like you cared.

Cheering for the USA in international competition is awesome. It has nothing to do with election results or a politicians rhetoric. Cheer as loud as you want. As long as you are cheering for your team and not jeering the other, then you are a good person. If you spend more of your time booing the opponent than and

IMO The personal conflict of interest side of it pales in comparison to the potential damage that his administration could do to the social welfare of our country.

That’s total bullshit. You should educate yourself. Being a cop is not really that dangerous. There are many other occupations way more dangerous. Most cops are fat, lazy, bullies.