Just bunt

This is true, most of the people I know from my college days down south in the 90's still live in the south and voted trump. These are educated, successful people that I now can’t understand. They are white, southern, privledged. That’s probably a good place to start.

What’s wrong with you? Millions of white people voted for survival. We all lost today, not just you.

It’s a nine month season, but just keep fucking that chicken.

Watch that gap Spurs fan

There is no credible argument to be made that this is a down year. Really clueless statement. This is the best season start in years with several teams having a legitimate chance of winning. The competition is way more exciting that a runaway favorite for those that actually watch the matches. What about English

It’s definitely going to happen.

Swing, and a miss.

Not my fault. I did ny part.

I had a gay friend who lost his apartment move in a couple months ago. All he ever watches is Bravo. It’s awful. I made him get his own tv so he can watch in his room. From what I saw, these women are awful, and yes I know, that’s the point. But I still don’t get the appeal.

Oh please, there were plenty of gross white women that ruined your night too.

You’re welcome.