
The craziest and most depressing thing about that is that it was basically a peace accord between the IRS and Scientology so that Scientology would stop harassing and threatening people working for the IRS. Scientology didn’t just get away with it, they outright won.

She went to the police and they did nothing, presumably because Scientologists have a lot of clout with them.

Fun fact:

For those of you not from LA, or unfamiliar with the Church of Scientology’s various offices, their “Celebrity Centre” is on Franklin Avenue, right at the foot of the Hollywood Hills. It’s basically a huge former hotel that they’ve converted into a fancy residence/venue for their famous members. They have parties and

Cutting to whats most important (to me) here: I have just noticed the implication of the title for the first time, Trans Parent, despite having watched every season.

Yeah, not a fan of people calling basic human decency “politics.” Happens way too often.

Arrested Development already has a strict “No Touching” policy.

I assume by “pull a Bewitched” you mean replace Tambor with a different actor with the same first name, in which case I’d like to suggest Jeffrey Wright.

‘claiming that he’s leaving because of the “politicized atmosphere” that now exists on the show’s set’

They also owe Tig Notaro an apology for calling her “ungrateful” and shit for daring to speak out about this.

So, all the bros who spent the last few months screaming at Katie Rife for daring to talk about this and INSISTING THAT THERE WAS NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT until some accusers came forward and until then this was just a plot by mean ol’ Jezebel and AV Club to smear poor Louie...

“Like anyone would want to ‘R’ her.”

“We are the Warriors Three (seconds of screen time)...”

The big problem I have with Thor Ragnarok (and I enjoyed it, even if it’s about as deep as a puddle) is that... pretty much every dramatic moment is subverted with a gag.

I thought the film was a solid A- probably one of the first of the MCU that I wouldn’t mind seeing a second time very soon after first viewing. My only slight niggle is that while the banter style of dialog worked for everyone else, it didn’t sit well with Hela’s character. Other than that, it was pretty great.

The best part of Evans’ performance, though, is that Cap isn’t naive.

I’ve been waiting to talk about this movie. First off, it’s a great comic book movie. Probably among MCU’s best and most confident, top three, even. The “Planet Hulk” part of the movie starts out slow, but stays fun throughout, and finishes with a bang—“It’s my birthday~” killed me both times I watched the movie. The

At least he’s finally wearing the goddamn helmet, I’d say that’s a fair trade-off

It’s worth it. One of the funnier films I’ve seen in ages. And featuring an unusually high amount of kiwi/Aussie accents which is good fun. Makes me feel like I’m at work.

a B? that’s like an A+ from Dowd. hopefully I can entice Mrs. Beano76 to see this in the theater.