
Not a list of costumes in media, just a list of 15 characters? ...OK.

I thought of this same thing last week when I was reading about Harry Knowles when he said something like, “I categorically deny everything” then two sentences down, “I’m stepping away for counseling”. To echo your comment, if he’s saying these women are lying...what does he need counseling for? 

Yeah, he didn’t really think that through. “This isn’t true, also please forgive me I’m getting counseling” doesn’t work.

If he’s saying these women are lying...what does he need counseling for?? So weird. I try not to think of what it must’ve been like for these women but I get a strong Jabba the Hutt/Princess Leia vibe.

This guy, and this type of stuff is legion. It’s everywhere. People need to speak up. I spoke up years later, and I was treated to what Ashley Judd got. “Why did you wait so long?”

They better pray that he doesn’t have an affinity for pumpkins, gliders, and the color green.

Being forced out of the company that bears your name... That must hurt. Which is good.

And to think all it took was 20 years of a clear pattern of continuous sexual harassment and abuse.

Thanks for the reviews, Dennis.
It’s a shame that this site has become so utterly messed up that loads of people have left, so you may want to mention that fact to whoever’s in charge of decision making here.
It must feel like pissing into the wind.

I haven’t seen a show with this much emotional impact since the finale of Six Feet Under. I cried like a baby at the end of that great series.

Good observation, but the reason it was named Comet was because of Haley. Haley’s Comet. Get it? They even made a reference in the show of why Haley named it Comet, when she said “it’s named after me”

Same here. This show has left me a seriously pathetic blubbering wreck for two weeks in a row now—not just during the show, but throughout the week, I’d find myself getting upset when I thought of it. And I haven’t cried since 2005.

I don’t think I’ve ever cried this much over an episode of television in my life. What an absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking hour. For me, what got me wasn’t the idea of Gordon being gone, but seeing how much everyone loved him and was lost trying to recontextualize the world without him in it. Pretty much

The last episode was devastating, but because Gordon’s death came so suddenly, resulted more in shock and grief than the deep sadness we saw on display this episode.

Some thoughts in no order:

That simple shot of Joe “testing” Bos’ chili and then enjoying it nearly, even while he was overwhelmed with everything, crushed me with how real it was in regards to dealing with grief.

One of the most beautifully done, honest, and emotionally devastating episodes of television I’ve ever seen.

I cried. Not in a pretty way. This goddamn beautiful, weird, painful show.

Well. Damn. I just spent most of today surrounded by the grief of my loved ones over the funeral of my sisters’ father (and my mother’s ex-husband). Like Katie with Gordon here, my mother found him at his home a few days ago - just as she found my own father several years ago. So those last moments, especially Donna