
I’m here, reading it and enjoying it with everyone else. And don’t worry: I’ve got a couple of Random Roles in process even as I type this line, one of which is my 200th. How time flies...

This was as good or better than any of Will’s.

Zodiac was underrated that year, a year that had Eastern Promises, Michael Clayton, No Country for Old Men, and There Will Be Blood. It is by far Fincher’s best work.

He was fantastic in a role in Zodiac that he really had to be fantastic in, and it made for one of the most effective scenes in Fincher’s best movie (and one of the best movies, if not the best movie, of its decade). Lynch is always a welcome presence in anything I’ve seen him in.

In 2007 I was wandering around the French Quarter and stumbled on what was clearly a large crew filming a movie or TV show (trucks and trailers everywhere, miles of cable, signs saying “by being in this space you consent to being filmed” etc). Turned out to be a show called K-Ville that lasted one season. John Carroll

In the pantheon of great but deeply underappreciated character actors, John Carroll Lynch surely ranks near the top. Few actors are able to make such memorable impressions with often only a handful of scenes.



This is a hard thing to get good numbers on, but academic studies suggest that much less than 5% of men commit over 90% of sexual assaults, which they can get away with because the vast majority go unreported in large part because of how victims are treated by media and law enforcement. This creates a toxic atmosphere

Nor particularly festive.

It is a complicated and messy situation, but not knowing that someone’s guilty of sex crimes is possible. Several years ago a friend of mine married a forty year old music teacher who seemed like a genuinely lovely guy, and I really enjoyed his company. Three years later my friend discovered that he was in a

Also it’s possible that they spoke to him about it and they didn’t like what he had to say.

It’s better than Kinja.

The best case scenario is probably either;

A) They had heard things alluded to about Harry and did not believe them without any actual accusations and were giving him the benefit of a doubt until now, or;
B) They had heard nothing (or at least heard nothing concrete) and just heard these accusations, followed by

Harry is a fetishist. He only has interest in films as fetish objects. As long as a movie strokes a particular obsession of his, he is happy. He doesn’t actually understand films on any creative level, so his reviews are like those of a six year old. I liked this part, and this part, and this was neat, and where can I

Either they’re ashamed that they knew or suspected and are getting while the getting’s good, or the level of acceptance and blind eye-turning for this kind of thing has declined substantially and they don’t want to be associated with him. I find it very difficult to believe they didn’t know and would so quickly and

It’s the Radio Shack of the internet

I thought he looked more like Buddy from The Incredibles after eating a VW Beetle.

Pwesents is the preferred term

I was blocked on twitter by Harry for asking if he didn’t like a movie because the studio didn’t send him any swag