
Oh, for Christ’s sweet sake....

THANK YOU. “Innocent until proven guilty” only applies to a court of law, not wether you or I as individuals think it’s plausible if someone is a creep.

He was one of the first of the internet film critics. He had all sorts of insider sources in Hollywood (even if it was only, like, 75% accurate), back in a time when studios tried to keep as tight a lid on everything as possible. Nowadays “leaks” are just another part of the hype machine, but they were genuinely rare

The story came out after the Trump “grab em by the p***y” controversy, and the accuser claims that Faraci stuck his hand down her pants, penetrated her with his fingers, and then bragged about it to mutual acquaintances. So the accusation is a lot more serious than just a clumsy come-on. He decided not to deny the

“We’d all seen Knowles at SXSW, motoring around in his laboring wheelchair, occasionally struggling with crutches, sweating profusely and smelling like a mixture of ’urine and ass’ (as Jim The Movie Freek so perfectly described it). Assorted morons at the fest were overheard geeking out about their contact with

Let’s start a rumor that Knowles and Faraci were caught using their cell phones during a movie screening. That might get League to actually do something because he sure as hell isn’t bothered by sexual assault.

i just a ate a giant chocolate chocolate chip cookie.

There’s no way that Knowles isn’t a sock and sandals man.

You’re probably confused because she never mentioned being proud.

I clicked it, but then I realized I don’t want to read anything from that site ever again.

I truly hate you for bringing this into my life.

Some people never outgrow their edgy teenage phase.

Good lord. Most 10 year olds can write less juvenilely than that.

I generally don’t believe in body shaming anyone but there are some people so vile exceptions must be made. Baron Harkonnen, Jabba the Hut, Trump in his white shorts playing tennis. All iconic for a reason.

The clincher in this story is how Harry just “giggled” when she confronted him. Yep, that checks out based on his usual 12-year-old-boy demeanor.

The joke is that he is so obese that he cannot stand

After having seen what Harry looks like, now read his review of Blade II.

There was about a three month period when I was way younger where I visited Aint-It-Cool-News a lot and I read a decent amount of Harry wles reviews. They were pretty bad. I remember he liked just about everything. He liked a lot of things about X-Men 3. Anyway I’m drunk right now how’s everybody doing t0night????