Fucky Sucky Poo-Poo Weenie
Fucky Sucky Poo-Poo Weenie
No. Eat shit and die.
Fucky Sucky Poopoo!
Fucky Sucky Poopoo!
OH no, it got international coverage. How not-”progressive”. This story should be buried and ignored by all good white-guilt “progressives”!!!
Blacks aren’t exactly renowned worldwide for their “smarts”.
Obviously this is fake news. African Americans simply don’t do things like this. It’s contradictory to be racist and be black. I think this was a scheme by the ‘white boy’ to collect a GoFundMe lotto. He probably bribed the troubled, disenfranchised youths with free cocaine, which he obtained through white privilege.…
Are you seriously attempting to claim that the Knockout Game isn’t real???
Yeah, those blacks were just TOTALLY POWERLESS to oppress, abuse, or harm that white guy, therefore they can’t possibly qualify as racist.
Blacks aren’t exactly renowned worldwide for their “smarts”.
Where do “stereotypes” come from?