I distinctly remember the comet being called Bernardinelli-Bernstain when I was a kid.
Is that the only photo from the lawsuit? I can’t help but notice that it’s a bungee cord, not a noose.
Another example of the dangers of wind energy... <—— sayeth some political pundit soon.
Yeah but who has an exclusively cotton wardrobe?? Something like doing a load of towels (at least for mine) can be a simply way to only dry cotton, but even then you’re probably still going to have a little leftover polyester/nylon/whatever other lint mixed in. Personally, I wouldn't think of composting lint - just…
Whew, quite a mix there. I think I expected more a bit more universal list, but some of these are probably green flags for a more niche group of people.
My credits’ been frozen but I’m thinking now is time get a new checking account. I haven’t liked my bank since they bought out my small regional one several years ago but inertia has stopped me from changing it.
Is there one trick to avoid SLIDESHOWS???
“Advances in engine technology mean that a car can run on regular gas without damaging the engine in any way—even if the car manual recommends it, per the online auto resource Edmunds. The trade-off is that your car might be a bit slower accelerating, but accelerating also wastes gas, so why do that?”
Ethanol-free gas gives higher mileage. Last time I tested (a tank of commuting with ethanol, then a tank without) the E10 (10% ethanol) gave 10% fewer miles per gallon.
Agreed, nursery rhymes are very much political jabs and those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it
I definitely add MSG-laden ingredients. I also will add a nice pinch of kosher salt before dressing my salad. It definitely heightens the salad, and I have low blood pressure so if I’m on a big salad kick and don’t get extra sodium I can feel a bit woozy (especially during the summer when I’m biking/sweating a lot and…
Another huge part of the concern is not the external, stick on skimmers but the ones installed inside the housing of the gas pump. My friend works for the state inspecting gas stations and he finds them often. There are some that read your card right next to the real reader and there are some that actually capture the…
To be frank, it wont be any of my business. I am getting vaccinated when I am able, and I believe that should be the case for everyone. I understand the distrust of one that might have been pushed before an election, but thats not the case and there are multiple options. But to worry about neighbors? I dont have…
I get why so many people don’t want to get one when the come available. When you got scum ball companies like Purdue Pharma doing outright criminal behavior that caused the opioid crisis it makes people not want to trust anything these assholes are selling.
I was almost all in, but only having two ports is a huge dealbreaker
It should be pointed out about the Times report, which is genuinely worth a read, that it isn’t just Trump avoiding taxes, it’s him actually pumping that money in to business in order to cover their losses. So Trump is legitimately losing a lot of money. One of the ‘funniest’ parts of the report is that there are…
They think you’re James Bond. They think I’m someone who camps and rebuilds cars.
Although it’s not perfect, I’ve found that switching from Google to Duck Duck Go has completely freaked out a number of advertisers, who clearly are weighting info from Google heavily. Amazon in particular shows me very bizarre ads now that it doesn’t know who I am. (The process of breaking Amazon’s ad brain seemed to…
I can’t really think of many circumstances where trying to limit screen time using technology wouldn’t be better solved by just physically taking the phone away.