Apology accepted, troll.
Apology accepted, troll.
Your language toward me is troll-like and full of anger. I never defended Woody Allen. I never blamed Dylan. You are clearly projecting something from your own history onto the exchange and doing it with venom toward me - a complete stranger. It would be so fantastic if there could be room for everyone's take on a…
There are court transcripts of her defending him - it's not my opinion, these are words that came out of her mouth and are a matter of public record, not personal opinion. How could you suggest I'm distorting anything if it's a transcript from a court of law? Facts aren't subjective. My opinion is that I totally…
So only the things you read are accurate? Mia absolutely defended Polanski and continued a relationship with him after his conviction. Are you just so entrenched in your beliefs that you can't possibly see that there are complexities to this?
But you're missing my point. Dylan should call out her own actress mother for defending a convicted child molester and rapist, but she doesn't. If the criminal system didn't see fit to formally accuse - let alone convict - Woody, why should these actors not work with him? His lack of arrest/conviction doesn't mean…
Where in any of this text does Scarlett say Dylan was lying? The problem with this dialogue is when people discussing take these ridiculous leaps. Of course Scarlett didn't see anything! how could she? This is a very complicated and particular case. Why not ask the more relevant question about Mia Farrow's defense of…
I'm not blaming the victims AT ALL, but can someone start writing articles about the "teens" who had the courage to say "I won't let you jerk off in my face, even if it means I forfeit my career." There is a contribution on the part of the women who go along with it. It should be okay to say that. They don't need to…
She's complaining that she got an alert for her name being used in a letter where someone she doesn't know mentioned her in an open letter to the NY Times r.e. a horrific event that had nothing to do with her. Dylan had no reason to speak about any actress except her mother who defended Roman Polanski for raping a 13…
Maybe she just doesn't want to weigh in on something that is none of her business. She doesn't have any facts and I think it's brave for her to not enter the fray.
Come on you guys - why should she be forced to have an opinion about this? why can't she be allowed to stay out of it and want her work to be separate? It's just all such a mess and we'll never really know the true truth. It's not our business! Unlike many others in the news for their sexual crimes/perversions, Woody…
Why not just post the performance and leave out the whole bit about when it aired/kids asleep? DVR or not, any parent who would watch the oscars will have a way to show their kid this (sadly for her) weak performance.
thank you! I get really frustrated when people jump onto something so inert - trying to drag it into some "pc" argument. It's important to speak out against fat shaming, of course - but take a beat, people! this and many other things are NOT that and you're saturating the discussion with your over reaction, causing…
But doesn't the percentage relate to accusations that were recanted or proven false somehow? not a helpful number.
My guess, based on her follow up, is that Michelle was encouraging women toward a "smoother silhouette", which is something undergarments like spanx can provide for people of any size. Not every comment is a fat shame and it would be great if people didn't project so intensely. spanx suck, but they are popular…
"There's a way I could have done things differently. " is actually a pretty great way of being accountable for one's choices. Why should someone apologize for what they say if the only thing they're actually sorry about is offending others? I like Rebecca's writing in general, but I've noticed she has become super…
ooh you're so right. look at me, jumping down her cleavage! I think I really thought, however true, the pride she took in 'no tape/good posture' irked me. must look within for why....
is that fashion tape? she was very chatty about how she didn't use "boob tape" in AH, like braggy: "I never used tape,” she said, laughing. “It’s a credit to my posture."
I was eventually lived with my faterh, was adopted by my step mother and lived a pretty normal life after my mother and I had a final blow up after I dared to defend my step mother to her. My mother called me a bitch and said I wasn't her daughter. I didn't hear from her for 10 years, and she tried to pick up as if it…
Ugh, the large percentage of commenters are missing the point of this post. Be thankful you have at least one writer for Jezebel willing to circumnavigate the bullshit fact-finding blogosphere and actually remind us that this family is a snake eating its tail right in front of us in a 20 year cycle. Be thankful you…
Would you prefer she just give her personal option like every other idiot and keep the insatiable hunger for media impressions fed? With these posts, she's reminding us that THERE IS NO POINT in taking a stand for either side. She's reminding us we've already been through the bullshit of this fucked up family — in…