
Tracie is doing something interesting here, if you're willing to get out of the circus of media appeals for more and then more impressions. You don't know what actually happened - even the people involved don't know because they are so damaged psychologically. Be thankful at least ONE person is willing to take a fresh

Tracie doesn't criticize Mia at all - she's reporting. If you finish reading and believe Mia has come off looking bad, it's because of things Mia has said and done - not because of what Tracie wrote.

Thank you, Tracie, for your always thoughtful writing and your willingness to step outside of the derivative deluge of whatever the hot topic of the moment might be. As a person who was raised by a mother with borderline personality disorder - a mother who was well loved and respected in her field, but completely

This may sound like a nitpick, but it hardly seems to be in "preproduction" given the trailer and etc...

I am liking Mark's writing overall, but this piece is pretty much "First, click on this hot topic. Second, let me tell you that other writers shouldn't write about this hot topic. Third, it's okay if I write about it, but not them. Media hits achieved!"

You're criticizing/calling out these writers for publishing work within the context of PSH's death which in itself is clicked on and riding the news story of PSH's death. I don't understand why you're allowed to refer to PSH, but they aren't.