
Ahhh, the good old days when you could smoke indoors.

Guess who is going to have this service next.yup Ebay. I like it when the consumer wins I just hope they dont use FedEx which is the worst courier service on this planet.

Where have you guys been hiding, havent you heard of the Dell Venue 8 Pro and the Acer whatyoumacallit. Not too sure bout the Acer 8" but the Dell Venue 8 Pro runs W7 not a crippled RT is sheeps clothing along with a crippled processor..... just saying.

I wonder if anyone ever missed the pool........ouch.

Thats where I left my lunch doh.

Holy Crap, I'll buy that for a dollar.

Pretty interesting this shows up after I left my phone behind yesterday. I have Lookout on my phone but no computer to access Lookout with I was mobile doh. So the first thing I did was to call my phone guess what it worked, someone answered my phone and I retrieved it. Sometimes going low tech is the best option.

Well duh, why else would they invest millions of dollars if they werent going to build a self driving car. The car would also come with the latest software most likely "Mango". But I have an issue with Google directions, it seems I can always find a better way to get where Im going than Google can strange. It always

That picture is breathtaking.

I dont see what the fuss is all about, when people dont like doing job you either outsource it to Inda, China. Hello my name is Frank I will be your RPA for todays mission, rojer dat boogie at 12pm copy.... (misspellings intentional)

Hmmmmmmm, choices choices choices Im working on a drone now. I wonder which chip I should use. (Evil laugh erupts) Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

The auto caption part was a riot :D

I agree he was found innocent fucking deal with it. Now theyre going to drag Zimmerman through a civil trial, its just like the OJ trial. People are never satisfied sometimes.

That woman couldnt speak a lick of engrish if her life depended on it lol.

Wow so much hate for XP what did it ever do to you?

Dont you mean Windows 8? (On Windows 7, go to Start and search for update.)

Ha ha, thats the same keyboard I use.

I like that, that kid should send that to DARPA he'd make a fortune!!