
I’m actually unconcerned about the AWD as living in the south I don’t have to worry all that much about snowy/icy weather that often.

This is currently #1 on my list of next cars.

I think so but you’ll have to gansta lean to the left and learn to shift with your belly button.

I would love to know who actually tallied their nifty chart together for them.

I am of the belief that the Gulf livery makes any vehicle look great. If I was better at photoshop I’d prove that statement. lol

I am the Jalopiest of Jalops. How dare you suggest otherwwise. lol

I really want to know what life with the 10spd is like.

I am unimpressed so far. I watched a session that thebrokenmachine put on youtube last night and was like “this is a 2017 AAA release?”

This isn’t that special. I’ve seen a pug that can do this AND pee at the same time.

I’m very sad that the COD is going to be a flop. From what I saw of the beta it’s like they didn’t even try.

Kia, letting Jesus take the wheel of your Soul since 2013.

Why all the wet roads?

Nope, about 10% of the US production was 6spd. When we would get them on the lot they were already sold. Hard to find vehicle.

It’s an inflatable duck.

A million times yes.

This just proves that we need NO! we MUSTS HAVES more wagons in racing.

Okay, I’ll bite. How am I part of the problem? And what should I be ashamed of?

I am so impressed with these gentlemen.

I’ve always considered articles/posts like this as the car guy version of SEND NUDES!!!

Your list sucks and you’re a horrible person because of it.