
I do, all the time, every day.

As your finacial adviser isuggest you put your money into brakes.......they’re really hot right now.


To be fair though, this was long before Cars and Coffee was a thing.

Also in the news....

It’s not loud enough to be a Lambo!

Here is some advise from someone who has worked in the parts industry for 20 plus years, all at the dealership level.

Thank you.

Say I had an idea for an article....where would I send it?

Please stop with all these 2017 Ford GT articles.......

Stop, I can’t get any harder!!!!

They are not unnecessarily strict. When these cars can travel on no speed limit highways it is a matter of public safety the condition of your vehicle. When you’re doing 120mph on the autobahn you might take some comfort knowing that the car beside you is in perfect condition too.

Just in case you’re not certain what satire is......

That poledancer is on FIRE!!!!!!!

Because car numbers don’t have sponsors.

Not sure if you’re a troll or an idiot. I will presume that you’re a troll since an idiot would actually try to defend this level of inaccuracy.

One of the biggest things that they did was the stupid sign and drive program in the early 2000's. they ended up repossessing so many cars that they lost billions of dollars.

The one thing that projects like this always emit is how many hours it took to do the work and what special tools were needed to do the job. I guess since it is a labor of love that doesn’t usually matter but it does have to be budgeted for.

I wouldn’t be caught dead in this!!!!

Jason, Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe the vehicles are just avatars in a Computer Automotive Resurrection System that people are inserted into as they die?