Roberto Cemente
Roberto Cemente
I got unreasonably excited when Foles got released because it almost guaranteed the Jets were going to have either him or Fitzpatrick as QB this year. Before you laugh, consider this...
Can we continue the hottest sports takes post from yesterday, and just focus on Wilson? Dude is going to have an unfathomably embarrassing scandal in the next 5-6 years.
Sucks for Rivers if they move. You can't get a decent peppermint roll in L.A.
I’ve still yet to figure out why they fired Marty. Sure, he was death in the playoffs but at least he got you there. Norv Turner has only ever found the playoffs by complete accident at the bottom of his bowl of Corn Flakes.
ehem, 3 digits, not 4. San Diego fans, amirite?
You’ve won three titles in five years.
If Derek Jeter played anywhere other than New York at any time other than during the resurgence of the Yankees, he’d be a borderline Hall of Famer at best. He’d have been moved to left field midway through his career, which would have been shorter due to him not being that good, and getting to 3,000 hits would have…
Cortisone is a steroid. Why doesn’t this bother the anti-steroid crowd?
This is false and wrong Tom.
Albert Pujols lies about his age. He’s several years older than he claims.
I used to play NCAA Football over Madden specifically to bring a team to the National Championship running the option
My theory is that you can’t be clutch but you can not be not clutch — I don’t think people get notably better, but I definitely want a dude who doesn’t crumble under pressure.
The 2002 Kings Lakers series was 100% rigged by the NBA. I don’t care what anyone says.
Some folks don’t like to sit on all their shit. Not only is it not comfortable, but the risk of breaking stuff is high.
No, I really just need 2 (or even 1) functional pockets.
I’m amazed at the number of girls that stick their phones in that pocket. How do they no shatter it? Especially the ones with a big ass.