
I had a 14 overland, just a step down, and a similar experience. We upgraded to a Mercedes GLS550 and we’re somewhat disappointed. Ask the things you think are better in a $105k luxury vehicle (when new, we paid half 2 years old when early COVID made prices drop) are not always. Crack a rear window, and the buffeting

From the same group of people that believe women shouldn't even BE in the military on the first place, because getting pregnant and having babies is weak. 

“not giving us money? What a fag.”

What’s he going to do, drive his secret gay lover to suicide or have him murdered? Oh wait. 

He is a gay, though. They'll come for him eventually. 

The religious get the abortions they need too. They just use different words or say nothing at all. See: the Duggar girl from a few weeks ago. 

You missed “control”. The thing that unites them is control. Rich people want all the money because they can control their surroundings and other people with it. The faux religious don’t have money, so they control people through coercion.

Imagine if they just let the convicts and meth heads in prison run the theme park.

Unfortunately it’s going to take a generation to undo all that shit, and they’ll fight it every step of the way. They’ll be back in power before things get fully right and fuck it up again.

I hope this is real. Without the hot wheels logo, I will buy it once you're done. Because my RX7 doesn't seat the 3 kids I already have...

15% chance of cancer, and that cancer might not even be fatal? That’s hardly the mother’s life in danger. She should probably have taken the abortion reversal pills to make it all better.

Oh yes, a plastic edged speaker on the plastic dash. This will never rattle.

This thing is going to top $40k by the end I bet. BaT is insane. 

Pre nuclear bomb steel. They'll get it eventually. 

Cement also being very "not green". 

Ah yes, the US, a nation where the retirement system is solvent because we work 40+ hours and retire at 65. And only tax the first $147,000 (2022) of people’s earnings.

I’d be interested to see what tests they run that show 66% of ice vehicles get above stated range. As a side effect of OCD, I keep meticulous gas records. In over 20 years, several hundred thousand miles, and 10 vehicles, I haven’t had one go over stated range yet. My current crop is a v6 grand Cherokee (55k miles,

Most of ice everye is spent on heat and noise. All of that doesn’t come free, so any noises or heat generated by the engine, even before being muffled, is has every being spent OTHER than propulsion.

Let’s see. $787 million, less tax breaks, carry the 1...

Let them continue to have their way. They’ll make sure that shit ends.