
I have been pointing out to my co-workers of like minded persuasion that these churches are going to be used as case studies by epidemiologsts a la the Broad Street Pump in Victorian England.

I don’t care either way, male, female, whatever, but referring to a singular entity as a plurality is just plain bad grammar.

My thought is that if you’re an anti-vaxxer, you’ve just self identified to not get the Rona vaccine when it comes.  This problem will sort itself out

To the people defending the HOA, you are boot kissers of the worst kind. These are not normal circumstances. No one is trying to park an RV for shits and giggles here. And regardless of the motive, would it be that difficult for the HOA to inquire first? Is it really so impossible, in the middle of a pandemic, to

I’m not even sure 3M was taking action that was best for shareholders and maximizing profits. 3M wasn’t allowed to import masks from non-U.S. factories due to export restrictions in those countries. As noted here, 3M was exporting U.S.-made masks to Canada and Latin America because 3M is a major supplier to those

“Rules are rules! Don’t like the rules, don’t move in!”

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Reporters need to ask the following:

With a name like that, I think that homeboy’s fate is already decided.

Moreno literally went off the rails like a crazy train.

“It’s going to be just fine ... And, we’re, we have it totally under control ... It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Bullshit. First off, your Governor has only been in office for about 18 months. Anybody who knows anything about infrastructure knows that it takes years for road projects to get funded, planned and executed.

A few things from a person on the ground in Michigan:

Even though your face was probably right where the toys had been at some point? Most dishwashers sterilize, you know.

That’s kind of like the number 42.  The answer to all questions.

I would argue the first half of Knife of Dreams is painful.

WoT fan here, named after a member of the Forsaken, your right. 100%.

What’s even ore important, have they found someone who was called to make it through all the books to write the scripts?

If Republican rule is so great, why are the states that vote Republican always the poorest and least educated?

Tell Trump a Fracking Bailout is exactly what Obama would have done.