
They are not profitable, yet. Since they went public, in my area at least, the rides have been creeping up in price, as the VC subsidies that everyone got hooked on are drying up. So where a ride might have been $7 before, now it is more like $12.

Well on a positive note, the cuts to Medicare should allow us to broom the boomers quicker. 

So if some babies start getting the cancer we know the real reason.

So an art history major that specialized in Jackson Pollock.

I joined Bloomberg’s mailing list right after he called him a liar about everything from his business to his hair to his skin tone.

Night of The Long Knives

remember when the GOP and the Foxies were calling Obama King?

That’s a solid move, best of luck on your next experience.

All good Americans know the Tree of Liberty must be watered with the Blood of Patriots to continue to grow.

I get the Dexter like kill part, but the cannibal part?

Don’t you dare mention gun violence

Last night I had my first lesbian experience: a kinky threesome with a house-flipper and an aspiring ethical cannibal.”

Well he is foreign, so we can expect 45% of people to not like it, because these are the times we live in. 

My wife struggled mightily after both of our kids, physically and then mentally.

My family owned a stable of race horses, which I worked at for years.

I would say because we are socially “skinny fat”, in that while there is a pipeline to connect, it doesn’t occur in any meaningful way outside of getting people to like/comment your post.

I get it, you really liked it.

Thing is, this is America.

Respectfully disagree. You could have dropped 5-6 different actresses in it and it would have been the same.

I actually would consider it one of the last bastions of actual news.