
Hello from Not Panama, everyone! Still here in Pennsylvania, and the pandemic grinds on. I read earlier today that the White House’s new messaging on Covid is “live with it”, and unlike everywhere but Brazil and Russia, there’s no plan to contain it, no national testing/tracing, just epic failure and death. Live with

“So, I’m thinking she’s naked for the cover.”

I have a linen pinafore apron like this and love it. I’m a mess when I cook and bake, and I do both of a lot. It took my a long time to find an apron that I liked, but I’m a big fan of this one because I don’t have to deal with excess ties or straps.

Man, it’s a good thing people are still cruising along on the $1200 stimulus money or this could be a huge disaster. Thank Jezeus for the bigly competent and compassionate Trump administration. Crisis aaa-verted amirite?

Well, if that isn’t PEAK white woman bullshit.

Now playing

Just in case anyone missed their new song and video. So good.

I mean, after all of the dozens of countries the U.S. has interfered with over the past 100 years, I can’t say we don’t deserve it.

I don’t want to hear anybody say that this is an accident. I’m sick of the excuse of stupidity or ignorance to be used to defend this administration’s actions (“Trump’s too stupid to know it is a Nazi symbol, yada yada yada). Even if say Trump really didn’t know, he is not operating alone in the White House. He has

Renée Zellweger comes to mind.

Yeah, this is where I remind people that, as someone on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum and depression, we need to stop putting racism in the “mentally-ill” bag. Nobody’s objecting to mental illness here. They’re objecting to Ms. Cooper’s racism. And while there can be overlap between racist beliefs

Screw doing some deep dive into her life, nobody cares about her life or even her specifically. Like the article says, she’s just one example of awful actions out of many.

Can we agree never to publish “Ted Cruz” and “clitoris” in the same sentence, again?

Covid and tear gas resistant:

Having talked to people like her she’s worried about the CHIIIIIIILDREN! Wont someone think of the children!? What if they transition and regreeeeeeet it!? (despite the astronomically small number who do vs the many people who kill themselves because they can’t transition).

That’s one thing I love, that people keep fucking using “just a few bad apples” to defend police and forgetting the whole “spoils the bunch” part.

Shitty cops are shitty across time. It’s rarely a one-off. The other cops who don’t actively do shitty things are enablers and are therefore just as shitty.

We went to visit my grandparents one state over when my brother was toilet training, over 50-odd years ago. There wasn’t room in the car for both his car seat and potty chair so the potty chair became the car seat for John.

way to steal an idea from My Favorite Murder. 

People forget the rest of the phrase “A few bad apples...spoil the bunch.”

There’s something rotten in the apple basket, folks.

It’s more than meaningless, it’s an outright lie.