
This guy is a piece of shit, and you have to wonder what kind of shit he pulls in real life.

Its sad that theres a bunch of people who would feel that way. Winning is all that matters even at the cost of your “soul”. This guy is just cutting away pieces of himself for petty frivolities. No one starts off that immoral in life.

Man, I can’t wait til someone lays him out and as he’s bleeding and crying on the ground just turn to him and say “Morality holds progress back’.

Yeah, when you’re now using those hacks in multiplayer, you’ve no longer ‘confined’ yourself to the hacking scene. And morality absolutely comes into play. Dude needs to stop trying to kid himself.

“I don’t really feel any guilt,” he said. “I guess I’m just not a very remorseful guy. That’s probably a good thing for the stuff I like to do. [...] I do care what others have to say about my work, but only to the extent of agreement. If they support what I do, fine. If you don’t, you don’t have to watch. I’m not

I counted at least four markers of psychopathy in the article.

Yeah, it’s one thing to do cool things with a game with your hacking skills, but it’s another to be disruptive and trollish for the lulz.

“Morality holds progress back”

“’Morality holds progress back,’ he said.”

It’d be one thing if he was like “this is just a game, nobody’s actually getting hurt, who gives a damn” or something like that. But “I don’t really feel any guilt”and “I guess I’m just not a very remorseful guy” are pretty messed-up sentiments.

A broad, and stupid phrase like “morality holds progress back” demonstrates little more than ignorance, arogance, and other words that end in “ance”

I’m pretty sure the opposite is true. Without morality, we couldn’t have gotten this far.

People like him need a baseball bat to the teeth.

So pretty much, some raging assholes with some talent who get joy from shitting on other people while others use their talent to try to actively make things better.

“Morality holds progress back,” a hacker recently told me,