
Ok, but that is not a teapot. It is either a coffee pot, or a hot chocolate pot. Hard to tell with not much in the pic for scale.

Yes, because the Bernie cult demands unquestioned fealty to THEIR platform. Diverge in any way and you are cast out of the Bernieverse.

It’s not possible for you to be that stupid and still know how to type. So I’m going to assume you got a 6-year old to type while you tried in vain to formulate a coherent thought.

They’re “more progressive” because they consider themselves socialists.

I didn’t realize it was a gif and almost knocked my chair over backwards when she started getting closer.

Jenner is the new face of cognitive dissonance meeting reality.

Remarkably, she’s a woman who has never had to actually experience being a woman. In growing up as a man, she skipped over being objectified, controlled, and discredited, and now that she is a woman, she has enough money to avoid any of that. She doesn’t need to worry about reproductive rights, or maternity leave, or

She sounds like someone who is trying to have it both ways.

I’m not really on Team ‘Emma Watson can act’, so I may be a tad biased, but all this clip achieved was to remind me how lovely Paige O’Hara’s singing voice is.

The staging is obviously stolen, though who exactly stole it (Plein, his team, his backers, the creative director of the show, etc., etc., etc.) is pretty unclear. Plein has ultimate responsibility and it’s not gonna work out for him in the long run amongst the editor set, believe you me. Wang remains a darling and

Fuck Comey, Hillary should be president. This is all so terrible.

Oh completely. And if you look at him, you can see the muscles in his hand stand out as he yanks back against Trump. He’s not giving a damn inch.

To be fair, we all wish that

I am sure Trudeau wishes he could be hanging out on Richard Branson’s island with Obama instead of guest starring on the Political Apprentice.

Lea Michele looks... feverish. But that crop top is gorgeous.

“But in these situations — as anybody out on the street, any husband and wife know — driving to the hospital, sometimes that baby comes out.”

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?