Just A Hunk

No Patti Smith, Chrissie Hynde or Nick Kent?

Hmm, I guess Patton Oswalt started his career earlier than I thought. Good for him!

Mother father Chinese dentist

Vermont here. As sad as I am to admit it, it's probably Phish.

Yeah, if Girls has taught us anything, the last thing a woman needs is man devoid of major psychosexual hang-ups and who is also (gasp!) self-sufficient, nurturing & has ambitions and a successful career.

I think you just explained why anyone would downvote that.

I was madly in love with Penny from "The Rescuers" when I was five.

No Hoss Bonaventure, Texas millionaire who made his fortunes in boiled denims and the bridge business?

That said, you are going to make me lonesome when you go.  But if you gotta go, go now or else you gotta stay all night.  And into the new morning.

That said, you are going to make me lonesome when you go.  But if you gotta go, go now or else you gotta stay all night.  And into the new morning.

Uggghh….another jokerman.

Uggghh….another jokerman.

So you can sue companies that successfully take advantage of your outdated business models to give consumers what they want?  Smith Corona better start readying that 426 gazillion dollar lawsuit against Microsoft and Apple now…

So you can sue companies that successfully take advantage of your outdated business models to give consumers what they want?  Smith Corona better start readying that 426 gazillion dollar lawsuit against Microsoft and Apple now…

"we’re not quite as enthusiastic about it"

Great article; you captured a lot of my favorite artists in one of my favorite genres.  Wish you had mentioned some of the up-and-coming female autobiographical comic artists though, like Julia Wertz ("Drinking at the Movies") or Gabrielle Bell ("Lucky").

"Down low, Taylor……too slow."