Do you have any proof that Huawei is spying on people Patrick? You don’t, because there isn’t any, there isn’t any evidence of intention, there is nothing there, just smoke and mirrors.
Do you have any proof that Huawei is spying on people Patrick? You don’t, because there isn’t any, there isn’t any evidence of intention, there is nothing there, just smoke and mirrors.
The only thing I can say about iTunes is: It holds my music library. I fucking HATE it. It’s cumbersome, extremely difficult to navigate, inconsistent, and just shitty all around.
Are you new to technology? Updates usually benefit the company more then the users.
In Sierra, Apple took away the ability to install a program that is outside their trusted programs, so Handbrake is no longer an option for video editing/ripping. Plus every new update slows the computer down.
I’ll disagree. Asking for Sierra to be installed every day is bullshit. The OS is a downgrade for my computer and I don’t want to see the notification anymore. It isn’t like a gas light because there isn’t anything wrong, it just wants to lock my computer down even further and I don’t want that.
Seconded, thirded, and fourthed. Amazing how the exact application that restored Apple to greatness is such a gigantic piece of shit in every possible way.
MOst likely if it takes off it will be bought out by a larger company for the AI, like Outlook did with Acompli and Google did with Sparrow.
Oh. Sorry about that. I forgot to say anything about how pages can’t be included or excluded from the process. It’s a feature that maybe Mozilla should put in to the browser. It almost seems as though a Stylish or GM script, even a simple script, would do the job. The script could keep a watch on the inclusions or…
I’ve never liked waiting around for someone else to give me a dark background for pages. Since Firefox, I’ve never had to. It’s in Tools, Options, Content. If what you want is to change what most sites use (black text over white), you can change it here, same with fonts. It is applied to every place you visit. More…
I saw this and immediately deleted my app and account.
I really hate this. There should be no way anyone should be able to use your social security number to open an account without using a government issued ID in person. When is this madness going to stop. I do not need a new account opened quick enough where I can not go in somewhere to prove that I am, who I say I am.…
I find it interesting how small developers create a product they’re pasionate about (probably) & then, all too often, sell it to some huge monster company (MS, Google, Yahoo!(-in it’s day), ...) only to see its features absorbed by another product or just out-right killed off.
LOL no, that is how Microsoft has acted
Buying a company and then discontinuing its product? Microsoft, have you been drinking the Yahoo! punch?
My answer to that would be: so the f**k what?
My personal pet peeve is when I read an article on a topic and all it contains is the new information, but not the background that can provide context. Glad this helped!