
If he wants good healthcare capitalist role models, I give him Emil Kakkis and Al Sandrock. They stay out of the news bc they are too busy changing the world for the better. Neither has the mofo time to spare hanging out on a stoop heckling people. That’s what people do when they don’t get paid to do anything else.

yup - in upstate the catholic school I went to was the #2 private school in the area, with way lower tuition than #1. Run by a super cool group of Christian Brothers who were just wonderful kind open hearted people with terrible just no good taste in Vneck sweaters. All of us went to religion class, but that was

And to think of how much crap she gets for being one of the big bad manhating Feminazis. My grandmother didn’t even put up with one round of shenanigans.

please don’t say things like ‘donald trump won’t win the election’.

Malia for president?

You’re supposed to get it when you stop growing. The average girl stops growing at 18. I stopped growing at 14 but had to wait until 17/18 according to my doctor anyway. AND THEN spent 2 years fighting with my insurance company to cover the cost. They would rather had me doped upon generic muscle relaxants and pain

meanwhile no one says boo anywhere about the author’s disrepect to good cops everywhere. Boohoo. you are not in the NFL. Instead you get to be a police officer, a potential REAL role model in your community, to children...you have an opportunity to protect and serve GOOD people. As a cop, you can have such a huge

wait. you mean other people are not like this? I have an 18 year old pooh bear whose origins resemble these. it is the size of a baby. still smaller than the bunny.

can we trade shkreli in to China for a panda? or at least 50% off a panda? like a human coupon?

Army Personnel sizes...right. When I see an Army guy who needs space, I will give it to him. When I just see some tiny out of shape jerk with saggy shoulders and no muscle tone (who invariably WONT get up for the pregnant lady or nice lil gramma, and therfore I have to), I will call them out. Most men are not army

honey, you’re shoulder’s are not that wide. and all that space between your knees reminds me of what’s not there.