Re posted.
Re posted.
Is Luke wearing a laser pulse proof slider buns vest?
It’s like reading your secret dairy..... It was just laying there in plain site. With big letters on it spelling out “SECRET” in small sparkle stickers. Unlocked.
Same strong mother (German sounding surname; Zeitgeist), great taste in men, different dads.
Just spit on the toilet paper before wiping.
As soft purring sound.
What i wanted to post.
The movie adaptation of Dennis Potter’s disturbing (tv)play ‘Brimstone and Treacle’ with Sting as the antagonist could have been the inspiration.
All that <BLINK> could have used a trigger warning.
Lots of people from the then colonies of countries involved.
I can’t decide which he watched. This one.
When Did You Last See Your Father? by W. F. Yeames
Beauregard looks like the grim reaper just emailed him to be ready for pick up.
That Orange noise in the White house does.
Or living in a customized tanker truck, driving from seasonal Amazon job to Disney job (and back) to survive economical.
Kim at least is able to read a room to know who is starting to get too capable.