
Betsy devos’s brother eric prince. Ice is slowly going to be turned in trump’s private army.

  • Two spaces, always leave enough room for a paper colored microdot.

I think a job spot opened up in purgatory for a roaster of the recently deceased. (You know they are always headhunting).

I wouldn’t call it succeeding. And who’s afraid of Michelle Wolf, being the snowflake here. (Having my cake and eating it, just flushing it through the toilet).

Well, when in Rome.

I’m reading this stuff through a thick layer of alcohol to keep the sads at bay.

Eating someone’s brain and getting their knowledge is just an urban myth.

It is always, a kinky form of, fun to read their whining about an article going in about the consequences of technology on life.

When defrosting a fridge. Instead of a towel, or use with, a baby diaper. You’ll be amazed how much water the gel can take in.

There are some pritty good sex assignment surgeons in Sweden. When you go kink the horizon is your rink (i have no idea what that means).

Wouldn’t “Roadcoyn” be better?

Streetcred? Is it like bitcoin but without the numbers?