But what about trump supporters or trump himself?
On the one side i like these inspiring stories but on the other side i hate how they usually end so tragic.
Trolls can’t help it. They need loads of lines of text to rant and never succeed in reaching a punchline.
Koch, koch, mercer and other billionaires.
And again. Pence and Ryan are 2 meters behind trump. And their hands looks twice at big as trump’s. So much for perspective distortion.
That’s all right. I can remember watching the first episode of twin peaks. It was at first glance all glossy high school kids teen angst drama (played by actors over twenty) so i tuned out. Jumped back in at episode four and continued watching. It isn’t a sit(uation)com(edey), it’s more of a sat(i)re.
This show could be one of the reasons that buffalo ears and other national parks are going to get screwed over by the chito in chief and his swamp crocks.
Prince’s hologram will play timberlake off the stage.
We’re talking vaccine? Or Silver nitrate, Wolfs bane and garlic infused vodka shots?
Industrialization in the early 19th century caused a trek to the major cities. Some small pockets of tribes have survived in remote close knit village communities but most were scattered. Family resemblance watered down to just skin color instead of sharing floppy ears, big noses and uni brows.
And that’s, kids, how you get were-groundhogs or a bad case of rabies
As a white person i have felt quite uncomfortable a couple of times, ordering a quick snack or my favorite cake with coffee in a shop. Must have been because i spoke too soft, or in a terrible accent, or to just to aware of the meta minefield. Still can remember the looks i got. So in the end i just pointed to what i…
I am curious how the movie will be received in Africa. Tribe members recognize each other. And these are all actors from different backgrounds and ([American] African) ancestry. Suspension of disbelieve is not a universal (earth) constant.
The straight man’s (m/v) role in comedy is highly underestimated.
So pence and ryan are about 2 meters behind trump. But trump’s hands looks smaller.
Firefighters are needed to stop the fire starters.
Or, it’s just a pedophile getting rid of a pesky victim or witnesss.