Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. No discussion history what so ever. Really, this is the “new “ cottage industry? Payed comments? This is Cambridge Analytica’s big strategy to sway public opinion about one of their customers?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. No discussion history what so ever. Really, this is the “new “ cottage industry? Payed comments? This is Cambridge Analytica’s big strategy to sway public opinion about one of their customers?
I hope you’re right. And mine was “Just a dumb remark”.
The tax payer still get to foot the bill for his protection, provided by trump’s betsy devos brother erik prince’s Academi security. Next step will be Trump himself and the white house grounds itself. The thief in chief is burrowing in.
Maybe amazone is pressuring marvel into giving it a bigger cut of the sales.
Maybe amazone is pressuring marvel into giving it a bigger cut of the sales.
Legacy. There is always an aftermath. It doesn’t stop after day one of an independence. Influences, interests of weapon dealers, countries and cooperations still linger for resources (shell any one?). How long ago was Zimbabwe British? China has been busy meddling for resources. America and american extreme religious…
“Not surprising when it dawns on you that the black church (all) religion has covered up”.
He really buys into that thin blue “brotherhood” line shit, doesn’t he? Just drop him 5 counties away out of a car without his hat and/or id (and his beard shaved*). Reality will bite him in the ass.
There is a time for enjoying your life to the holographic (smell, warmth, sound, vision, emotion, taste) fullest or slicing it up in little (digital) plaques that won’t capture your memory of that moment because you didn’t have them to busy looking through a viewer (mobile phone screen) being a observer trying to get…
Drumpfster fire. I think Sir Elton John would like to have a word with you. Thanks for ruining. Asshole.
Read up on the history of (the European colonization of) Africa. Like exp. Belgian Congo. Than answer your own question.
Look at them. They are not special. It’s just there was someone who got lucky a long time ago. Enough to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame.
Why does it feel like every time i read about them doing this it feels like they really are enjoying it?
Goodbye america, the “good ol” usa. Brain drain, deporting the willing and able. Just because of tint, color, what ever. Bless all the countries who’ll accept all that potential with open arms and prosper.
Is there a god? No fucking clue! Are there assholes sucking up to the schoolyard bully named “god”. Lots, and lots, and lots. Fuck off. Whining about small government. But still screwing, skewing laws to get up women’s wombs. Fuck you religious fundies with a hot poker. /Is this “good” enough to make you feel like a…