A surgeon is basically nothing more than a better payed extremely well trained upper tier niche mechanic. Knows all about cutting through the human body keeping the damage down, but outside his/her field just as uninformed as everybody else. Except maybe for a massive buildup of hubris and an emotional distancing by…
That’s the legacy of antibiotics misuse in the meat industry. Having to sterilize the chicken to make sure everyone wakes up healthy the next day, not chained all day to their porcelain throne.
Cluster trump, stuffing the trump, circle trump, hand trump, butrumpe, snowtrump, Shitrumpi.
Student organisations,fraternity, student fraternity, student association. New members, first year, are broken in, subjected to denigrating, violent treatment by older members for up to a week to “build character”. Often resulting in sexual harassment, bodily harm, and sometimes death. Maybe not greek but some names…
We are all shaken by those reality shows about hoarders. But we all have it in us. To collect stuff during our lifetime, to hang on to it fanatically. All those memories. Secretly wishing to get rid of it, to be free(er). To the people of Houston who lost all. Get back the important stuff. But keep it simple.Two…
Oh, fuck off. She is right. And Loreal should have used it to market an all purpose burn cream.
Oh. Please. And somehow fall on Pence,Ryan and any GOP douche-bag killing them.
Eh. No.
Eh. No.
You are insulting fucktards.
Oh. I’m Sorry. It’s true. Student organisations are active all around the world. With all the have one’s degrading the have not’s or the in between’s. SO suck it up. Capitalistic 2,3th generation money are sadistically trumping it.
The whole “greek system” is an international problem. Student organisations in higher education around the world have the same shit going on. Not just the USA. Affluenza inc.
The large quantities of cheap German Liebfraumilch wine ingested, filtered by their bodies, give the tears a light dry pleasant slightly salty grape taste without the alcohol. So, yes, grape.
It is also about having a reference, expectations and context. Someone familiar with cgi in games, tv and movie will have the experience, read the articles about it, maybe a little bit of trouble getting into that suspension of disbelieve zone because of that, to notice it. For example, with Rogue Squadron a number of…
Just rewrite it to tell boys to eat healthy and not to indulge in fast food. Man boobs.
Loreal bot.