Very excited that she will also be performing with my favorite, Gael Garcia Bernal. Charming, talented, funny, adorable, and he’s already spoken out at the Oscars!
Very excited that she will also be performing with my favorite, Gael Garcia Bernal. Charming, talented, funny, adorable, and he’s already spoken out at the Oscars!
Why didn’t they just do “rose flavored” vodka, keeping the pink dye and a unique “flowery” taste that wouldn’t need to be an unholy alliance? Who the hell wants watered down vodka mixed with shitty wine?
Is it an unpopular opinion not to like this film? I’m not a fan of “17-year-old falls for older man and learns a lot about himself” stories, especially in the era of discovering how coercive and toxic these types of relationships actually are. The gay world will eventually have its #metoo and expose the…
What’s interesting to me is that no one’s pointed out (have they?) that the real lesson is that money is power. What truly would have been edgy would be if the new “heathers” were penniless or poor. Social class as power is a story old as time... slapping some paint on it with their identities? Not exactly…
It’s been a year, and they aren’t even trying to hide the odeousness of their policies anymore.
It’s all hot air. He shouldn’t be remembered for words. He should be remembered for all of his shitty, shitty actions.
Timely, considering he was just subpoena’d by Mueller. Oh how the mighty...
I might be wrong, but doesn’t Yoda correct Luke in RTJ in saying... “No... there is another?” Meaning that if Luke had failed, Leia also existed? I remember hearing a theory too that Leia (had she been trained) could’ve been just as powerful (perhaps moreso) than Luke.
I’m conflicted - one of the founders of the gay pride parade in NYC spoke of dreaming of a day corporations and politicians walked in the parade. The fact that there is branding around the current moment signals that this can be utilized for various causes. There’s a salience there that’s never been; I think there’s…
Instead of focusing on terrible news, let’s focus on the fact that if Democrats show up (and run good candidates), they can win. Democrats just won back another house seat in VA BY 1 VOTE! This puts the house of delegates at 50-50, meaning the GOP will be forced to work with the Dems. To add a bit of bonus ANOTHER…
My friend had a wonderful story about how when she was doing her philosophy PhD, a famous philosopher came to speak and talked at one point about his cats and how he had turned them vegan as well. Except he couldn’t figure out why they kept eating tinsel and other medal type things. My friend was very young and…
From my understanding Lt. Gov Smith is the type of person that hustles across the state to show that she wants to get things done. If she runs a campaign the way she apparently has worked to increase the office of Lt. Gov, I think she’s favored. Not sure why she changed her mind, though - reports were she had no…
My husband is “good cop” and only calls on me (the “bad cop”) when his approach doesn’t work. It was clear from his attempt and the other couple’s “nice” approach that nothing was happening.
You have to make sure you are aware of the Contract of Carriage. For instance, they must attempt to get people to leave the flight if it is oversold, per page 38 of their own contract of carriage. Below that, you’ll note that if there isn’t someone who volunteers to leave an oversold flight, they have to begin kicking…
Honestly, my husband turns to me in situations like this because I am a Jedi at making customer service folks give me what I want. And sadly, you will not get anywhere if you try to be “nice” in this sort of situation. You have to 1) know your rights, 2) never back down, and 3) make them want to get rid of you as fast…
I am not surprised that this is Spirit Airlines.
Toot for Katya and Manila; I think both of these queens have shown they not only have a following but talent that transcends their time on Drag Race.
Unfortunately, tribal politics have reverted the latest poll to Moore up over Jones 48 - 43. Unless there is a woman waiting to come forward (and even then, who knows), I don’t imagine Moore will lose. What’s more shameful is that Republicans are already backtracking off of their expulsion threat.
Laurie Metcalf deserves all the praise (I’m hoping she gets some noms!). And, if folks haven’t seen Getting On, the little show that could on HBO (so happy it got 3 seasons), please binge watch it this holiday season!