
Sorry, wasn’t their a sketchy ESPN tv show that was JUST like this about 10 years ago?

Oh neat - Tiger’s old slam being a try-hard for media attention. Maybe she can fuck Ray J next.

Got him.

Honest question: Are Jeep enthusiasts upset that their fav. vehicle has been taken over by spoiled sorority girl and frat boy douchebags? Past few years every obnoxious Vineyard Vines kid gets one of these for their 16th or at high school graduation:

Stop. This is flawless.

Now playing

1.) Watching just a clip of this show makes me want to die.

Wow the ladies wore t-shirts. So brave! I sometimes like things on twitter. I’m making a big difference, too!

I don’t know their names—I don’t watch the show—but the one that wanted to go to school seems like the one who will go to college in California, and leave in JUNE after finishing high school.

East Lansing PD is *the* worst police department in the USA. I’ve never been arrested, but so many encounters that even in retrospect as a mature alum I still view them as awful, hyper-aggressive, assholes. The town has been sued for keeping speed limits lower than the state warrants so they can harass drivers. Their

How sad does your life have to be that you stand there holding your phone watching pricks leave cars and coffee. Esp. on line to get smoked by a dumbass.

Thank you. Corny as fuck. All the praise is a weird combo of hype via out of control white-guilt.

r u a lonely cat lady who hates seeing men your age marry newer women?

Probably just a ten a penny cocaine & xanax addicted model prone to mood swings.

I really think he’s gay. He referred to an ex’s gf’s husband as “gorgeous” on Stern a few years ago. It felt like a genuine slip.

I’ve always thought Brad Cooper is gay. He referred to an ex’s gf’s husband as “gorgeous” on Stern a few years ago. It felt like a genuine slip.

Are you a Jalopnik employee and car flipper only, or do you have a full-time job? Will you be parking that junked 3000gt at the new house?

That Renault Laguna Coupe looks pretty ho-hum to me. Giving off very strong Buick Cascada vibes:

30 y.o. layabout bum

Colbert is wickedly smart and charming. It seems sort of wasted on his late show. He’s honestly a perfect replacement for Charlie Rose on PBS.

Ugly as sin, to me. But I’m sure an Arab and Chinese student that pay kids to write their papers will have one parked in Foggy Bottom this fall (GWU).