Let these assclowns stay open. Let them all die horrible deaths... Just leaves the rest of us who take this shit seriously more goods/supplies. I honestly do not care if anyone dies because they downplayed this pandemic. Idiots.
Let these assclowns stay open. Let them all die horrible deaths... Just leaves the rest of us who take this shit seriously more goods/supplies. I honestly do not care if anyone dies because they downplayed this pandemic. Idiots.
Well, one could make the case that businesses that cannot operate/make profits when they have to adhere to the laws, they should not be in business.
So, I’m working with a company that has been making ventilators for decades. That company has been able to ramp up production to meet the increased demand across most of Europe. Most of the designs put forward by these other companies would either take a year of testing to meet safety regulations, infringe on a vast…
I suspect many are ex-military. They’re just not full-career-retired or served-their-tour(s)-with-honor ex-military. They’re more like kicked-out-of-basic-training ex-military, and then they failed the police academy psyche exams too.
We need to come up with better conspiracies, like ones that would make believers destroy themselves rather than harm things/people.
I made a Star Trek mask so I feel a little less threatening.
I haven’t walked into a bank branch in...I don’t even know.
We all feel that way, but a bit of self consciousness / embarrassment is significantly more tolerable than killing the elderly and immunocompromised...
Yeah, I’m pretty sure cats were already pretty fond of regular boxes but okay .
As a responsible firearms owner who is greatly offended by these yahooblicans, I completely agree. I can think of no greater threat to my ability to participate in my hobby than a bunch of morons who have been indoctrinated into the fiction that the NRA is “protecting their rights.”
Conservatism is a suicide cult.
Just in case you were actually curious and not just making a Toyota F-250 joke, it was through an auction: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/12/14/459682171/lawsuit-sheds-light-on-how-a-texas-plumbers-truck-ended-up-in-syria
All you can do is take care of the people in your life and hope for the best.
And I’m sure in no way would someone in Alabama would use skin tone as a proxy for mental fitness....
*Stephen Miller has left the chat in disappointment*
You may not care for musk’s personality. But he has done more to
I’d like to suggest to all Amazon workers that you spit in every package before you tape it up.
>I don’t have a cell phone