
In the book (not a spoiler) they sort of explain that Craster is one of the few people north of the wall that speaks to them and gives them information. You don't kill your snitchs…

I know it's a typo, but "midevil" is a great word. e.g. Joffrey is a midevil king.

They do eat horses. They wouldn't eat that one, though. That would be… let's say "impolite" to Daenerys.

Moreover, it makes sense in the sci-fi concept (however unscientifical the poetical interpretation might be) that reality is defined by observation and, therefore, by what the characters believe to be true. Just as Peter would have dissapeared if it wasn't that his loved ones wouldn't let him go, by believing that

Off the top of my head, in The Divine Invasion, Herb is saved by his love for Linda Fox, and love is an important driving force…

He'll tell her that now that they're married, she can quit her job

He'll try to introduce her to the Holy Trinity with Alterlivia

Or "You had this speech prepared, didn't you?"

I disagree in part with this because I feel that the criterion for success should not be if we agree with the idea the story presents, but wether it illustrates that idea in a successful and thoughtful manner, and it seems to have made you think about love.

I can't help but feel this show is OLD. Here's my reason:

You fools, Thislivia is Ourlivia. This is Earth-1 - Peter. As Peter returned, the whole Earth-1 starts to return too.

I got the sense that you were trying so hard to explainthat you "underst[ood] why others disagree", that you forgot to explain the reaon you were a fan…

He already sold 28,680 copies in 24 hours, without the game even being in production

Close-watcher: "It's not a human right's violation."
But it is.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 27: "Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of

…And Michael Douglas (Keaton) chose his name because of Diane Keaton, whose real name is "Diane Hall".

I don't really understand this. Sorry for being outsiderly. But, do you people hate Juno and Jennifer's Body for being idiotic movies, or for being movies about somewhat idiotic people?
I liked them both, in fact, taking that second position… Not LOOOOOOOOVED THEM!!! but liked them


Ok, I guess?

The color of the opening credits

Fringe isn't Sliders. That's not it's genre. And it's not a matter of it being "evidence" in this episode to "support" they're "doing" a dialectic thing, but I think it's a structure with which the series can be read.