
I thought about this. What if there is nowhere to go back to for Peter? He never should have existed. Never. In any universe. The machine erased him from ALL universes. What if he is already at the right universe, but there is no "right" universe for him anymore?

There's no sense in "liking" one universe over another. We shouldn't be seeing the "universes" thing in isolation from the general narrative structure of the series. We had two universes in conflict, a thesis and it's anthitesis, because of Peter. We're now in it's synthesis, a universe WITHOUT Peter.

Let's all say KANT!

But there is a war. I really don't like family values. They're shit.
What side are you on?


Of course, it could also mean that Chris Colfer can't act as anything else but an exaggerated version of himself…

Glee is a moralizing show, with very explicit political and social proselytizing aims. If it aims to that, it has to live up to that self-imposed responsibility.

I think it can be said that Glee is a succession of Very Special Episodes, at least where Kurt is involved. And I can't help to find his storyline just a bit offensive.
Take for example this episode: Why does no one tell him to try acting? Kurt Hummel the Character is very evidently set by the authors to be a role