
the kind of people who are going out to eat right now are the kind of people who need to read this but never will

Underrated: the Iraqi PM slightly flinches and smirks at the first shoe, then half-heartedly swats at the second one to cover his tracks.

Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.

Him being inside when it happens is optional.

Burn it down.

I live in Nebraska. I have it on good authority that the Douglas County Attorney is going to announce at 1:30 p.m. CDT that he will NOT be filing charges against Scurlock’s murderer. This is going to be bad.

This. ^^

That’s it. All of his faults disappeared the day he said that Mexicans are rapists and he was going to build a wall to keep them out. That shit is like catnip to them. Fast forward a few years and now people feel comfortable wearing klan hoods in public again.  No sacrifice is too great if it means overt racism can

I think in those cases, they see it as “if I was president, that’s how I would be. Push people around, make them be nice to me, and if they make me mad I’d fire them.”  

I agree that Trump’s main currency is white supremacy but I think Nichols’ piece leads to a very necessary about masculinity not just for white working-class men but for men of all races. He’s polling at 8-13 percent with black men and 20+ percent with Latinx men.

It’s not just that he’s white. White people sneer at, mock, ostracize, and generally hate on other white people all the time. It’s that he DELIVERS RACISM and THAT is the priority to his base. This is what gets me when writers and thinkers wring their hands in befuddlement, like Nichols is doing, about how Trump’s

I loved Ugly Betty so much and I’m so glad Hulu is carrying it. I would still die for a spinoff with Amanda and Marc.

yes yes yes! i love me some ugly betty. the fashion, the drama, the shade. indeed, ugly betty was way ahead of it’s time. my sister also recently started watching and was like “why didn’t i watch this when it was on tv?!” i think ugly betty is one of those shows that wasn’t super successful when it aired but will have

Great article but where is the Guadalajara poncho? 

Thank you for reminding me about this show. I wanted to be best friends with America Ferrera since Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, so I loved Ugly Betty.

I am learning to make peace with the knowledge that Black men will simply never support Black women the way we have supported them. I have nothing left for people who jump at the chance to betray me at every turn and in every possible way. So for me, Black women come first and Black men are going to have to learn how

The excerpt from this book that was published in The Washington Post this morning is enough to make you want to beat the ever loving shit out of anyone, male or female, that you see or hear defending this crass, stupid, proudly ignorant buffoon. The fact that the man selected by white folks to lead this country is so

Cuba and Venezuela aren’t what ANY socialist talks about when they’re talking about changing a system.
I know it’s incredibly hard for americans to realize there is a middle ground to everything, but there is. your options aren’t just stupidly unbridled capitalism and red menace communism. There is all the things in