
Yikes. I’m also a Black woman. And for some insane reason, I figured (incredibly naïvely in hindsight) that in a world of #blackgirlmagic and #girlswhocode, I’d be working in a sector that wanted to open itself up to gender and racial and PERSONALITY diversity. Boy, was I wrong. And since I don’t have it in me

Yikes - ok, well, I guess I’ll just get back to the kitchen, make a sandwich, something something barefoot and pregnant then *lolsob*

Hmmm... your comment is making me think. I just converted to STEM (well, stem-light, I did a degree program for front-end dev) and my first job? I spend the day responding to emails because I’m “more diplomatic”, resizing pictures, finding articles or content and copy/pasting info from an excel sheet to the

Are you in web/tech? I just changed careers and I am dumbfounded by the general assholery, social-ineptitude and superior/inferior complexes that exist within these men after only 6 months in the industry. I’m ready to call it quits...


I totally do this - speeches and my favorites, surprise visits to cities/towns/shops. I also have a soft spot for the 3 videos where Michelle Obama surprise greets visitors at the White House *sob*

OMG and right when he thought he won and we thought the episode finishes with a happy ending, a giant pinball comes rolling down the fucking escalator... that was def AYAOTD and that episode was effed

Bravo people - this comment section made me giggle like a crazy person at work which is exactly what I needed this morning!

Spoiler alert : Chobani is the killer. Everyone has to admit that Hamilton was right this whole time.

I would have continued thinking this very thing if you hadn’t made this comment... I was SO CONFUSED

Are you in the US? I fear that any Napa Valley rosé or a rosé that’s been imported is the good stuff, so maybe you should refrain if you’re afraid of ruining a good glass... I’m just trying to protect myself from any potential ire that may come if your experiment goes wrong lol! If you ever get the chance to come this

I seriously don’t understand why “the white house”, whoever that entails and whatever that now means, keeps allowing Trump to hold rallies. It is super strange that this is obviously a personal request of his and the fact that it hasn’t yet been met with a definite, categorical NO means that he still wields some sort

Where I live (in the South of France), people almost exclusively put ice cubes in table rosé (not the good stuff from a bottle, but the kind that is served in a carafe and costs €6). Old men in brasseries or cafés live by it.


Awww, not an aunt, but I had my own Sister Karen growing up

Agreed! Good talk.

I suppose this is as good a place as any to start a discussion on “The Good Place” and Ted Danson’s stellar performance (and the entire casts’). If you watched it, do you think it is the best show? Or the bestest show?

That is a really good wax rendering of Kate Hudson dressed up as Cher for Halloween - good job Madame Tussaud!!!


John Mayer, is that you?