
I like Overwatch, but I love her Overwatch even more.

It won’t matter at all. It’ll sell 13 million over the next four years no matter what.

Video games are art.

I want one. Badly. I still play NES games often, but not often enough to justify the price.

Hell yeah.

Uncharted 4's Ranked Team Deathmatch also suffers from incongruous seriousness. The rest of the multiplayer modes are so loose and fun, but the one ranked mode is a joyless grind.

Street Fighter has always lead a double life as hardcore arcade bully pastime and inscrutable anime.

Why don’t you want to play the game?

Do you live somewhere remote? What settings do you use? I’m in Southern California, so I get matches frequently, but I hear it’s more of a struggle outside of major metros. It shouldn’t be no matches at all, though.

Arc System Works games are definitely filled with fancy looking moves and screen filling spectacle, but they’re far and away the most technical 2D fighting games out right now.

Somebody recreated the Tracer design and tailored it to Cammy’s model. It’s not some simple copy/paste job, taking a file from one game and putting it in the other, and it’s probably not safe to assume that the artist who made this mod would have the skill set to manipulate the game’s audio too.

I have three games in my multiplayer rotation: Street Fighter V, Overwatch, and Uncharted 4. I’ll likely play a few matches of each. Beyond that, I’m looking forward to disappointing myself some more with the new Mirror’s Edge campaign.

I care a lot about Street Fighter, Overwatch, chocolate, AND peanut butter.

SFxOW confirmed.

I wish my real job had an option that would generate a quest to give me the items I need to buy this game RINOW.

Uncharted’s multiplayer has secretly been great since it was introduced in UC2. The shooting itself is just standard 3rd person shooting, but the agility and the verticality makes the multiplayer so much more compelling than it has any right to be.