Justin Young

not dumb, he uses it, and uses it, and fixes it and uses it. Probably the best F1 owner

To whomever posts Paul Walker.

Now playing

Return to Formula Juan has has Juan Pablo Montoya feeling juan again. Juan juanders what the Juan thing Juan is looking forward to most as he returns juance again to Formula Juan

Wait, there is a van too.

Lincoln proving that the Navigator can penetrate water.


This guy.


Damn! I forgot all about Princess Ann's Reliant Scimitar yesterday!

"OOOHHHHHH a LOT of poo shot out then!"

Reliant Scimitar GTE? Princess Anne has one of those, don't you know?

I'm pretty sure that's Nissan's Oliver special edition, not the base model.

Sadly, this is what the final version will look like.

Nope...not liking the nose. Everything else looks fine.