Justin Young

That Tyrrell needs more wheels

You sure? Sounds like a pretty Jalop-Hivemind reason to me.

Waiting for the eventual Gawker Crosspost hailing the Carrera GT and other super cars as the reason unicorns cry and rainbows aren't common anymore.

Speed is never a cause of death in an accident. Suddenly becoming stationary? That is what gets you.


I'm European.

No doubt.

That awkward moment when you forget to clean up after masturbating and then get your picture posted to the internet.

A tiny little AWD runabout with a turbocharged four banger and a manual gearbox, what's to hate about that?


That was easy.

The world would be just that much more a sweeter, more cheerful, more sincere place if BMW never built another X6 M.

This one is easy. The Avenger.

Neat concept car has lame transmission.

In a ditch....ditches love stories.

12 Hours Later.....