Deontological Sanders

...attorney and fellow wrestling coach...

Don’t you hate it when you do a racism and then people are mean to you and you have to file a lawsuit due to the emotional stress brought on by the fallout of the racism you did? Sucks, man.

Mars has likely been in its current state for around 3 billion years. Earth only had very simple lifeforms at this same point, and the fossil record for this period is cryptic, at best.

just accepting police brutality as an inevitability is incredible 

Hasn’t it been one of Deadspin’s priorities to distinguish what happened here from ‘domestic violence’? Attacking people probably isn’t acceptable - though if she called him the N-word, I don’t think I should pass too much judgment. In any case, what happened here should certainly be distinguished from one person in a

The Ancient Greek “ph” (Φ) was originally pronounced as an aspirated “p” [pʰ], which then shifted to a fricative “f” as it evolved to Koine Greek (the Greek used to write the New Testament two millennia ago).

Someone needs to go to jail for the way that video is edited.

Yeah but, the fuck?

The transformation into Florida Man has begun!

the system working as intended!


Agreed about the last email needing to be the first.

In know right? Because supporting apartheid and climate denial are reasonable opinions!

Sort of. According to the giant impact hypothesis, something Mars-sized (usually termed “Theia”) hit proto-Earth about 4.5b years ago, blasting off a ring of rocky chunks (which would have contained bits of both Earth and Theia) that eventually coalesced into the Moon.

I think the persecution of teens like this is really getting out of hand. Between the Covington students and this it’s starting to look like the only place for teenagers to be racist is every single comment section on the internet, the entirety of social media and whenever you play any video game online. 

For Christmas my sister and her husband got their kids a Switch. Knowing this I bought Mario Kart for them figuring that’s something they know from having played it on the Wii. My brother-in-law made the mistake of buying Smash Bros for them. I was big in to Smash but skipped the WiiU entirely because I couldn’t

I’d hope you’d recognize hyperbole when you see it.

But, absent that—no, I don’t think having the shit kicked out of them on the regular is “good” for teenagers. I do think the fact that we’ve removed all discipline from their lives is part of the problem (I see this when they get to my campus as 18/19 y.o.

IIRC, I read that our modern burial practices became popular in the US during the Civil War. People back home wanted to bury their loved one’s body, so the slain soldiers were pumped full of preservatives and put in boxes to keep them from decomposing and falling apart on the trip home.

I’m a Steelers fan and I’ve been loving this. Just wasted a couple of hours letting a couple of typical nut jobs on one of the Steelers sites explain to me how this is all because Bell and Brown were raised in “urban communities like the suburbs of Columbus” and that Roethlisberger was raised to take responsibility

Trump’s dark money forest products dudes really want it bad (Georgia Pacific (a Koch Industries Company), et al)