
Exactly. Maybe it's not marketed at us who own a PS3/360, but instead at those who own a Wii. Maybe in a year those who love Nintendo's offering will be able to drop their second console (360/PS3) and just game exclusively on the Wii. It certainly isn't next gen hardware, and I'm sure when it release we'll be on the

Most modern games offer great walkthroughs in the beginning. I wouldn't hop online and play multiplayer since it's usually overwhelming different than what a single player experience is. Practice obviously, but read the manual, learn the controls and play on easy. Work your way up from there.

It's a good/decent new console for casual gamers. They'll finally get the Wii Sports they love with HD abilities.

To try to stay relevant. Releasing a new Zelda for the Wii, not in HD, would just be silly at this point. Their handhelds passed up their console graphically. The Wii itself was getting second rate games from 3rd party developers, they needed to show a new console. They needed new hardware. What we seem to be getting

The future releases will be on all 3 platforms, 2 of those platforms you can buy today, probably at a cheaper cost and enjoy through the waiting period and still get equal experience when those games come out a year from now.

How is that not a standalone console alongside the Wii. I mean if you have to have the Wii on to use it that's ok for big Wii U titles, but I don't get why they wouldn't let you take that thing anywhere and play on it.

I was happy with MS. Nothing was new though, unless you are a big Halo fan. Gears 3 is on my list, and I have already played it extensively so I know what I'm getting. The new NXE looks good, and was a welcome update. Plus, even though I would never own a kinect in these coming years, the stuff they are doing with it

That's how I feel/felt about Prey 2. The first game didn't interest me, and I had no idea a second was there even though I'd seen it on Bethesda's homepage for awhile now (caught up in Rage/Skyrim/Brink).

It's built into Android from 2.2. So anything based on 2.2 should have it. It's one of the most handy things for me in Android.

I thought Halo 4 was a surprise (even though it was leaked that morning) and Overstrike? the game by Insomniac and EA looked pretty cool. Prey 2 blew me away when I saw the live-action trailer.

I guess we each prefer different things. You must be FPS to the core to think Gears or Uncharted doesn't hold up. Which is fine, but having played all three extensively I'd easily rank it Uncharted, Gears, CoD by franchise.

I think Uncharted is 11-1-11. Ten days should be enough to get through the Uncharted 3 campaign and some MP if you are interested in that.

I think Skyrim will have something to say about that, and we can't forget about Uncharted 3. It might be the best FPS this year, but there's also Rage to consider. Gears of War 3 might also want a mention.

No I just got it without the DLC. It will consume enough of my time without all the DLC. Afterall, this fall is bringing one to many titles that I want to play.

ha yeah. I had one try to talk me back into it. Either way I traded it in for Fallout 3. After all, I beat Brink. There was nothing left to get out of the game with such a poor online experience.

If there is decent content, HD, has ESPN, and a DVR feature than I could consider using it. It would eat through data caps on internet, but if they released an adapter to bring in digital broadcast and used it like Windows Media Center without the need for a Windows computer, that would be pretty sweet.

The nice thing about Android is it will not automatically update an app if it changes the services it accesses on your phone. So unless it's a cosmetic update or something simple, you don't have to worry that much about apps just being updated without you knowing what exactly is changing.

Right, but you can't look at other companies like EA who has a track record of doing this type of thing and say that you assume Activision is going to follow them. The difference you are missing is that CoD Elite is not tied to any particular CoD game. It's a service for all CoD games to come and starting with Black

All I want is to see is Borderlands 2, or anything Valve is working on. Don't care if they aren't supposed to be announced. Just surprise me. Maybe some Prey 2 gameplay (that trailer looked amazing).

They already are competing with it, they just released their consoles a long time ago. The Wii was a new type of console, the successor sounds like it's trying to compete more with current consoles.