
Samsung copied Apple when it launched an Android 2.2 device on a tablet. An iPad is the same exact OS as their phone with some different apps.

So you were shocked that they made it smaller and lighter? They've done that with every device since the first iPhone all while maintaining or improving the battery life. The biggest shocker was the amount of time and effort they spent on that screen cover. Honestly there was nothing new or exciting about the new iPad

You sound upset. Have you had a bad experience or are you just making the generic Android hate comment? Having both an Android and iOS device, I don't really see how one can be called half baked, when while using either I desire features from the other OS. They are both far from perfect, and both very good.

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This is the best thing I have watched in quite some time. It's better than anything MTV can dream up.

Thanks. It's fun time and I wouldn't dare to change my decision. The antenna, though not as big of a deal as it was made out to be, was simply something that seemed over looked technically in the shadow of design. It's great looking phone, and it just feels way better than anything else. I'll give you that. I have an

Yeah I've seen Objectified. I'm also starting a career in Industrial Design so I guess we are at different ends of this field which is pretty cool. It's weird that you picked out such a quote from that movie. The light indicates that it's asleep aka. doing nothing. Which is odd, since it's also one of the most

They have templates for design. From the website all the way down to their products. All those templates aren't new, they are recycled good design principles. Another designer could come in and abide by these principles and keep with this aesthetic. I'm not trying to knock the good work he has done, but I can't buy

Come on. Dieter Rams is one of the most respected industrial designers of our time. Gizmodo wrote a couple articles on him and now everything throws his name around. Ives is a high profile designer who simply follows his guidelines and even "translates" his aesthetics. Sure his designs are nice, and are some of the

Some people don't even use the dock. I know that I would love to turn it off completely if I could. You don't need it to tell you what is running. Command + Tab tells you what is running, switches between apps, and if you hit Q on one of the icons it will quit that app.

He lost me when he started talking about the Beats Audio team and Dr. Dre. Got to love Monster cable marketing mixed with current hip-hop and to top it all off associate it with HP.

That was a great article and I couldn't agree more. Though I have no insight on Nokia, I can say with confidence that this goes on everywhere in major corporate environments. It's hard to mix design into those environments. I think the speed of which designers like to move, the methods which they design, etc. all is

I second that. I went in expecting a pretty generic sports movie, but I was blown away by the emotional roller coaster that movie puts you through. I would have never guessed it to be such a good movie, and Christian Bale was amazing.

Maybe the intern designs the lower end laptops.

"Gone are the jutting ports and woozy chassis—the entire machine is enclosed in sharply angled metal—a case stamped from single sheets of magnesium (Hello there, MacBook!), an aluminum keyboard, and a glass touchpad."

What luck. Mine died after a year and half (logicboard failure). Now my screen bezel is cracked, it's causing dead pixel lines across my screen, my case barely stays together even after they had to replace the whole keyboard/trackpad area, the list goes on. Same goes for the 10 or so friends I have in school with the

It's also really difficult to ride. Tried one of these out, alongside a unicycle version and they are not easy. Segways can be tricky as well, the whole technology behind it is fun, but the practicality is still missing.

Sounds like a retail job.

Do you have to be on a PlayOn network that you have set up on your PC? Or can this thing go over 3G. I see no use for it to stream to my phone when I'm on my own network. If I'm at home, I have better devices to watch that content on.

This is better than the rest of the names the tech industry throws around. Bionic, Atrix, Xoom, Optimus...come on.

I think the title is off. The article is right and says the Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S II when talking about the tablet and phone respectively. The tab will run Honeycomb, the phone will probably be running a skinned version of 2.3 (Gingerbread). Also the Xoom's price at $1200 was allegedly just a place holder and it