Hot take.
Hot take.
I agree with you. I think part of the reason why able-bodied straight white women are now up and arms about it is because we got used to the good life. I personally have never had to deal with an insurance company before the ACA. I was in college before it took affect and had a simple student plan, got my first job…
Yeah, being around all of those black people and insisting that they make her “sound black” must have been really gross for her.
“For her, this is honest.” Because when she was playing at being black she and everyone else knew it was for shock value and kicks and not coming from an honest place.
I guess her culture vulture phase is officially over. Add her to the list with Pink, Kid Rock, Mark Walhberg, etc. Once they are finished appropriating black culture, it’s back to the the indie, guitar, pop, etc. phase. I knew she would be back in peasant blouses, Maxi dresses and cowboy boots in no time.
Seriously. She wants to appeal to Trump supporters because she has the same idea: that Black people are expendable and not worth very much when she can’t keep profiting off of them.
tfw you’re done using black culture for profit and moving onto your Colbie Caillat phase.
Sadly not always true. The below is an extreme situation, but there are some disqualifiers. Even in the socialist utopia that is Canada. (note- We’re not true socialists but sometimes act like we are. We can be insufferably smug about such things.)
She wouldn’t be allowed to immigrate to Canada, so, no.
Yeah, my first thought was juvenile. But my second thought was a juvenile.
Or walk in sand since it is basically all clam poop.
If you ever try to dig for clams with your bare hands (which I have done), you can actually feel them pull away from you and try to escape deeper into the sand. It’s kinda amazing since you usually don’t think of clams as particularly mobile.
I’m not comparing the two. I’m merely pointing out that OP made a factually incorrect statement in their attempt to explain why appropriation of Catholic imagery is OK but appropriation of Mexican culture is not.
And just because you’re white and I’m not most especially doesn’t mean you get dismiss my experiences and my brother’s experiences of working in your county as “hyperbolic.” We’ve seen what we’ve seen and we’ve heard what we’ve heard, on a public and personal level. You’re county is overwhelming racist.
What that poster said was true and I agreed with them. Then you stepped in and try to claim it wasn’t (which is HILIARIOUS and again typical tone-deaf and racially blind OC. See, that’s an example of “closeted” racism) and then backtracked by saying “but it is closeted except for the most extreme example.”
Oh, please, I wasn’t being hyperbolic and admit nothing. I was relaying real conversations I’ve had with someone who has to work with you and your ilk in your county. You want to talk about doubling down? Look at you trying to defend your racist county with “Oh, it’s not that bad!” Typical, tone-deaf OC and exactly…
I mean, of course people who say they aren’t racist really aren’t, right? It’s not like you have anything to gain by claiming your friends aren’t racist or anything like that. And yeah, even non-white people, like Latinos and Asians can definitely be racist, especially against Black people since it’s a constant game…