
Over 60 years old here… relationships have come and gone, but at least I can say I’ve escaped the legal and financial consequences of marriage.

Thank you, Aimée, for this piece. It’s a wonderful expression of how we are meant to feel like our lives are still and empty because we aren’t in a relationship or aren’t pursuing one.

Yeah. I hear ya. I’ve got an extreme aversion to physical contact, so that makes dating more or less impossible. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’ll never be more than friends with people because of it. I’m a loner anyway, so it doesn’t really bug me (honestly, I love coming home to a quiet and empty house),

Thanks for writing this. I want you, and anyone else, to be able to say, “I’m single.” And then not feel responsible for reassuring other people about it. Suppose you said firmly, but not angrily, “I’m a widow.” People wouldn’t nag you about dating, or I hope they wouldn’t, anyway. They wouldn’t try to cheer you up b

This really speaks to me. All of it. But for me it’s been six years without sex or even a kiss. (same amount of time single) The life celebration? YUP! I’ve thought about that a lot. That there will never be an event which all my friends will make 100% certain to attend for me. I’ve tried dating websites and found it

I’ve never identified with a Jezebel post so much. I’ve been single for 15 years (I’m 30), not for lack of trying. I’ve given up trying to talk to my friends and family about how much it sucks and how much I’d love to have a partner because the reply is invariably “try harder. Lose weight. Join a club. Lower your

Nothing wrong with being alone, nothing.