Juro Gagne

I I could go for a group shave. Also, this comment will be pretty pointless when that typo gets corrected.

You know his brother's little hideaway behind his dresser? You can hide in there while he kills all the MIB's and soldiers at the door. He's invincible unless you abandon him out the window.

Nearly 2,400 games and none of them are Albion.

I didn't realize it until this moment, so…

Hm, not what I stole, but close enough! I will send you a letter with my remaining dignity later this week, seems fair.

I attended the university they film this at. Once in the dead of night, I silently drifted onto the set like a specter and stole an object.

Don't think of it as "I have to read forty books." Just think of it as "I need to read Small Gods."

"I would." Oh, end of the discussion then. The fact that you would call men bitches totally makes the use of that word inoffensive. Seriously, how old are you? Rhetorical question.

"lack of empathy is sexism now? what the hell?" It's not in a vacuum. But it's not. This is a continuation of a pattern. If it's not your pattern, then you're not being criticized, are you? Calm down.

"so because it was real in her mind then she's justified to send him to his death?" It's not about moral judgements. The problem in this thread is a total (and yeah, frankly, sexist) lack of empathy.

Oh, and for that matter, Pycelle saying "And they used it to strike down the most noble child blah blah blah." Come on, that was a lie and yeah, everyone knew it. And then Cersei says that Joffrey insisted staying at the battle when really, she sent Lancel out to call him back. There were plenty of lies on the stand

You're right, I could have phrased that better. There's a pattern.

"Shae haters are not necessarily misogynist." Let's count how many times the word "bitch" was used in this topic. Then let's count how many times I called anyone a misogynist. If I implied it seems like this is part of a misogynistic pattern that we've seen from reactions to a lot of shows, well, it's only 'cause I'm

He called her a whore and sent her away.